I have to confess that I’m a bit disgusted this morning. In fact, I’ve been a bit disgusted the past few days. My friends on facebook are probably tired of hearing about it – but thanks to the wonders of the internet, I have a much larger audience here, and I’m tailoring the message to be a bit different. What am I disgusted about? I’m glad you asked…
I’m disgusted about how the personal choice of one individual is being hailed and touted as “courageous.” I’m so sick of hearing about how Bruce Jenner has “bravely” announced to the world that he considers himself a woman and changed his named to Caitlyn. I’m sick of hearing about how his golf club has to reconsider how they do business because of one person’s choice to change. I’m sick of hearing about how ESPN is giving Bruce Jenner a “courage” award. I’m sick with the realization that because of all this hype and BS very few people are giving recognition to what real courage is.
Look folks, here’s reality: Forty years ago when BRUCE Jenner was an Olympic record setter, I gave him much respect and admiration – as did many others – for the COURAGE he displayed. He demonstrated tenacity, strength, endurance and determination; all characteristics we should respect. Years later he joined that freak show called the Kardashians and ever since the only thing he’s done is what that whole family does: behaved in whatever manner or method would keep them in the media spotlight. What’s the ONE lesson that family has taught to middle America? BRUCE Jenner learned it well: If you want to be successful, be female and be odd/weird/dramatic enough to keep people guessing. When the spotlight began to shine outside the Kardashian “household,” what did Bruce need to do to regain it? Yep; become female and be odd/weird/dramatic.
BRUCE Jenner was a MAN who won Olympic medals and earned respect. Caitlyn Jenner is a transvestite who shouldn’t be allowed to keep those medals (just my humble opinion). BRUCE Jenner’s golf club has segregated male and female sections – and it’s never been a problem. Now, because of Caitlyn Jenner, they’re trying to figure out how to do business. How about this? How about keep it male and female and members are permitted into the area they biologically fit in. How’s that?
Here’s my biggest challenge with all of it: Since so many media pundits are so busy calling Caitlyn Jenner a “hero” and saying s/he’s acting with “courage,” the people who demonstrate TRUE courage day in and day out are not getting recognized enough. In fact, what little recognition they WERE getting is now reduced because of one man’s personal choice that shouldn’t amount to a hill of beans in a world where REAL news matters. Let’s take a few minutes to recognize what true courage is:
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by the men and women of our military. They put on a uniform and go do their duty, often under the least favorable of conditions and they risk their lives to serve our nation. Let’s recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by the men and women of our law enforcement profession. They put on a uniform and a badge or star every day and go do their duty, often for an ungrateful public, and under such a Monday-morning-quarterback microscope that the smallest mistake could cost them their entire financial and professional future weeks later. Let’s recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by our firefighting men and women who put on protective response gear, self-contained breathing apparatus and helmets and then run into burning buildings to save lives and minimize property damage done by fire. Let's recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by men and women who put on an EMT or Paramedic uniform and respond to the scenes of accidents and injuries and save lives, reduce pain & suffering and offer comfort to those who are sick or injured. They do so and remain strong in spite of the horror they sometimes have to see and then ignore to perform their duties. Let's recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by the adults and children who are battling life threatening diseases and not succumbing to cynicism and negativity. They do battle with an enemy they can’t see but they can never get away from feeling and often they do so with such great courage that they inspire others to keep fighting the same way. Let’s recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by preteens and teenagers who resist peer pressure, mainstream media pressure and other pressure outlets to do drugs, label themselves, commit crimes, etc. These brave preteens and teenagers KNOW who they are and what they value and they do constant battle with outside forces that are trying to reshape them into something else; something weaker; something more easily manipulated. Let’s recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by single parents who fight to find the balance between work, children, home and recreational activities. Often armed with far fewer dollars but a lot more sense than most, these single parents fight the battle of giving their children enough time and attention while also working enough to pay the bills. Let’s recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE is demonstrated day in and day out by people all over our country who ignore all of the mainstream media BS that fans the flames of racism, and instead of letting hatred grow, they take positive, generous, charitable, courteous actions to show how much respect they have for every individual regardless of race, creed, color, gender, etc. Let’s recognize them for their courage.
TRUE COURAGE has nothing to do with making choices to stay viable in the media world but has everything to do with making the right choice and doing the right thing even when no one is looking; no one’s paying attention; and the choice is going to cost you in time, effort or money. This is the lesson to be learned from Bruce Jenner’s choice to become Caitlyn Jenner. Stop worshipping the MAN for acting like a woman. Use HIS behavior as an example of what’s wrong with our society and don’t teach your children to view it as “courage.” Show them examples of what TRUE COURAGE is.

Lt. Frank Borelli (ret), Editorial Director | Editorial Director
Lt. Frank Borelli is the Editorial Director for the Officer Media Group. Frank brings 20+ years of writing and editing experience in addition to 40 years of law enforcement operations, administration and training experience to the team.
Frank has had numerous books published which are available on Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, and other major retail outlets.
If you have any comments or questions, you can contact him via email at [email protected].