The TASERX26 is an advanced, proven and accountable law enforcement electronic control device. At over 12,500 departments deploying TASER technology, there have been dramatic and consistent reports of decreasing injury rates to suspects and officers. A recent independent U.S. Department of Justice/Wake Forest University study of nearly 1,000 TASER incidents found that 99.7 percent of these deployments resulted in either mild injuries -- scrapes and bruises -- or none at all. The company also has pioneered accountability with its built-in dataport microchips to track the time, date and duration of any TASER use providing an objective self-reporting system to corroborate an officer's report. The optional TASER CAMprovides MPEG 4 video of TASER activations. It installs in seconds and requires no tools. The TASER CAM activates whenever the safety is in the off position allowing officers to capture vital information prior to, during and after the potential deployment of a TASER X26 device. The recording is downloaded to a computer via a USB cable and saved in a searchable library.