Featuring high memory storage and fast processing speeds, the 3Mi s a fully-integrated ALPR unit incorporating camera(s), illuminator, and image processin within a single water tight, sealed enclosure. This ALPR camera provides customers with 5 feet of horizontal traffic lane coverage and it’s smaller size (as compared to the rest of 3M’s Fixed camera family) makes it the perfect solution for single lane coverage in dense locations such as busy intersections.
Using a multi-exposure technique, commonly referred to as “Triple-flash” technology, this camera is able to suppress ambient light such as headlights and bright sunlight. This helps to reduce image exposure differences caused by plate-to-plate quality variations. Excellent plate detection is made possible using a patented technology that allows for real-time, video triggering upon plate presence. This helps to enable the high read accuracy our global customers have come to rely upon.
Providing 5 ft of horizontal lane coverage
Providing accuracy while maintaining affordability
96 IR LEDs configured with various beam widths to suit any application
Durability and longevity in a variety of operating environments