Phalanx Corp.

Boca Raton, FL 33431


About Phalanx Corp.


4501 N. Dixie Hwy.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
United States

More Info on Phalanx Corp.

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Phalanx Corp. produces Phalanx Smart Holsters, available in Condition One (F.L.A.S.H.) and Condition Three (L.A.S.H.) carry models. Phalanx Smart Holsters have no snaps or buckles yet offer maximum security against gun grab, accidental discharge and unauthorized use. Working interactively with the action of most semi-autos, Smart Holsters provide safe carry (pistol chamber is out of battery and trigger deactivated while pistol is in the holster) but allow immediate access to a loaded pistol when necessary. Smart Holsters are height adjustable and also available in a Strapless Shoulder Holster or Surface Mount configuration. Pistol can be locked in the holster for complete safety when not in use. Visit our website for more information.

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