
More Info on COMPELSON Labs

MOBILedit! can be used as a forensicSIM Toolkit to gather evidence from mobile phone SIM cards in a secure way and generate reports suitable for presentation in court. Compelson's MOBILedit! solution is being used as an evidence tool, and we suggest you brief yourself on the solution to the benefit of all that want criminals brought to justice. Scotland yard has been using SIMedit!, the predecessor to MOBILedit! for years now, and now desires to customize the successor for admissible evidence. You can copy all the contacts in both the phones memory and SIM card of the criminals (plus numerous other functions) Feel free to inquire, we want to work with you for the safety of all. Philip Kielhurn International Operations COMPELSON Laboratories Phone: +420 266 316 773 Fax: +420 266 316 774 The Mobile Revolution has begun! Allow your phone and PC to communicate with each other.

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