More Info on Mobile-Vision Inc., a Safe Fleet Brand
Mobile-Vision is a leading provider of equipment and systems for law enforcement agencies to capture, manage and communicate critical information in a safe and secure manner. Since 1987, Mobile-Vision has been a one-stop-shop for customers including in-car video, digital evidentiary video management systems, body-worn cameras, ruggedized mobile data computers, and license plate readers. Mobile-Vision maintains a robust intellectual property portfolio including six domestic patents, five international patents, and several pending applications.
L-3 Mobile-Vision announces the addition of two new license plate recognition (LPR) systems to add to its current AlertVU™ Automated License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system family of products.
Body-worn cameras capture audio and video that is 100% impartial in its use, presenting evidence with a blind eye to officer, citizen or suspect. They've come a long way since a large camera on your patrol car dashboard.
Every year, as I go through the mounds of equipment information I have from various manufacturers and vendors, I inevitably make that mental list of all the stuff I'd wish for if it were me getting the gifts.