Bruker Detection Corporation

Billerica, MA 1821


About Bruker Detection Corporation


40 Manning Rd.
Billerica, MA 1821
United States
978-663-3660 x1308

More Info on Bruker Detection Corporation

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Bruker Detection has been developing and fielding state-of-the-art high performing field portable detection instrumentation for more than 30 years.  Bruker Detection manufactures the best IMS instruments in the world with its RAID family of chemical detectors for the military and homelnad security markets.  The RAID-S2 was competitively selected for the US Navy Fleet, the RAID-M was selected for various installation protection programs under Guardian, as well as the RAID-AFM under a competitive DHS program called ARFCAM.  Bruker Detection also manufactures E2M and MM2 GC/MS systems, the RAPID Chemical Stand Off Detector, and its newest line of Radiation Sentry Isotope and Radiation detection systems.

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