LockWrite was started in Riverdale NJ by a Police Officer with 4 years of experience. I, Travis Roemmele, 29, wanted a way to combine the two most commonly used tools in law enforcement into one, making it efficient and practical. I would routinely access my pen, like most officers do, to write tickets, but I would also access it to double lock handcuffs with the ink cartridge. I thought it would be a great idea if I could design a pen that also had an integrated handcuff key at the end where the writing tip came out. This would allow an officer to carry two pens and also two keys without sacrificing space on his person, and also keep the professional look that the community in which they patrol holds them to. I did A LOT of research on the internet and asked for many opinions prior to starting the development process, and by the feedback I received and information I found, I strongly believed this product will benefit all personnel in the law enforcement field. If a product can be developed that would benefit an individual person or a work field as a whole, than it should be developed. I hope this product does for you what I intend it to do, make your job easier.