The Indiana Supreme Court established its Judicial Technology and Automation Committee (JTAC) in 1999 in recognition of the growing impact of modern computer technology and innovation on the business of the judiciary and the need for uniform policies on implementation of information technology within the Indiana judicial system. The Committee's charge includes the development of a long-range strategy for technology and automation in Indiana's judicial system, including possible approaches for funding and implementation as well as the development of standards for judicial information case management systems, judicial data processing, electronic filing, deployment and use of judicial information on the Internet, and for all related technologies used in the courts. In short, the primary role of JTAC is to provide leadership and governance, including advisory oversight of State budget requests, regarding the use of technology in the courts in an effort to serve the people of Indiana better.
IThe ndiana Supreme Court / TAG Electronic Citation and Warning System (eCWS) is an easy to use, effective e-citation solution for laptops and handheld computer devices, tied together with Web services and integrated with Indiana's statewide court ca