Sundance DSP Inc.

Reno, NV 89519-0907


About Sundance DSP Inc.


4790 Caughlin Pkwy.
No. 233
Reno, NV 89519-0907
United States of America
775-827-3103, 514-684-0130

More Info on Sundance DSP Inc.

Sundance DSP Inc. is a US-based, independent company headquartered in Reno, Nevada. The reconfigurable systems for original equipment manufacturers in the wireless and signal processing markets.

Leveraging its multiprocessor expertise and experience, Sundance DSP provides OEMs with modular DSP and FPGA-based systems as well as, Data Acquisition, I/O, Communication, and interconnectivity products that are so essential to multiprocessor systems where scalability and performance are important.

With over fifty different modules and carriers for PCI, cPCI VME and Stand-Alone platforms, Sundance DSP is a solution provider to military, Automotive, Aerospace, semiconductor, pharmaceutical, and factory automation industries. Sundance DSP, founded in 1999 by the current directors, is a member of Xilinx Xperts, MathWorks Connection, TI 3rd party and Linear Technology’s partner programs.  

All trade mark and registered marks are acknowledged.

Products & Press Releases

Sundance DSP Inc.
I Star

iSTAR 360deg Imaging System

Feb. 11, 2014
iStar® was designed for rapid 360º imaging, and can precisely captures 360º full spherical images and high resolution panoramic video streams for efficient visual documentation of an environment.

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