Juniper Systems

Logan, UT 84321


About Juniper Systems


1132 W 1700 N
Logan, UT 84321
United States of America

More Info on Juniper Systems

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Based out of Logan, UT, USA and Birmingham, UK Juniper Systems designs and manufactures rugged handheld computers and provides field data collection solutions for use in extreme environments. Since 1993, Juniper Systems has provided innovative mobile technology to natural resources, utilities and public services, geomatics, agriculture, industrial, and military markets. For more information on Juniper Systems products, please visit

Products & Press Releases

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Mesa 2™ Rugged Tablet Offers Law Enforcement Professionals a New Meaning of 'Tough'

April 29, 2016
Juniper Systems’ versatile new Windows 10 Mesa 2 Rugged Tablet is ideal for use in law enforcement applications, and will be demonstrated at the upcoming Blue Line EXPO, a law enforcement conference held in Ajax, ON, Canada.

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