Milicom Headsets

Beachwood, OH 44122


About Milicom Headsets


2307 Commerce Park
Beachwood, OH 44122

More Info on Milicom Headsets

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Think-A-Move, Ltd. (TAM) and Milicom Headsets, a TAM division which markets and sells headsets, were founded in 2002 to address the needs of the military and industrial customers seeking innovative, robust user interface solutions which provide a front end platform for mobile communications and speech command and control. Milicom’s heritage in radio communication headsets employ its patented in-ear voice capture technology for clear communication and improved speech intelligibility -- in everyday settings and including noisy or windy environments. When used with the Milicom headset, the TAM SPEARTM voice capture technology and software solution implements its innovative speech recognition and control system platform, enabling unrivaled speech capture solutions and device control in the most demanding conditions. TAM and Milicom customers include the military, government, DoD, hotels & casinos, transportation providers, security organizations, and manufacturing companies. For more information, please visit Think-A-Move, Ltd., Milicom Headsets, or email [email protected].

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