StressVest - Force on Force Training System

June 1, 2018

Why StressVest® is the world's most advanced force on force training system for law enforcement:

  • The StressVest® is designed to create a "Living Range". After training students to shoot accurately to the upper torso and face of a target on a live range, they can be moved into full dynamic scenarios with StressVest® which requires them to hit the same target locations on a real life role player.
  • The safe and adjustable localized electrical discharge ensures that instructors can create the optimal level of student stress to optimize performance during training. This includes the use of vibration if the student is not ready for a pain penalty. 
  • Multiple modes can be chosen to further optimize training. For example, Injured Officer Mode will simulate an injury by continuing to deliver a pain penalty randomly over a defined period to simulate an injury the student must fight through.
  • Use of eye safe laser "bullets" lowers the safety template required to train. This also allows for training in structures where projectiles are prohibited. 
  • Training IED's can be integrated to deliver a pain penalty to all StressVests® within the simulated blast area. 
  • Custom UTM® StressVest® conversion kits allow for the most realistic and effective blank fire system for most law enforcement firearms. 

Visit to see many more reasons why StressVest® is quickly becoming the choice for top tier agencies around the world. 

UTM® is a registered trademark of Ultimate Training Munitions. Setcan makes no claim to any rights of that mark. 

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