Royal Holdings Technologies Corp.

West Hollywood, CA


About Royal Holdings Technologies Corp.

From large corporations to small businesses, government entities to the man in the street, our goal is to empower users worldwide with concise, real-time, verified, and actionable information before, during, and after significant events.


8560 W. Sunset Blvd.
West Hollywood, CA

More Info on Royal Holdings Technologies Corp.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Royal Holdings is a privately owned technology company that develops verified information solutions that enhance the safety of education institutions, sports, business, and entertainment events that attract large crowds of fans and attendees. The company delivers proprietary technology-based solutions for its key markets through Sentinel Technologies brand. All development is undertaken in the United States.

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Products & Press Releases

Royal Holdings Technologies Corporation
Over 8,000 SWORD devices already on preorder from corporate businesses Facial Recognition Technology Identifies Persons of Interest in a Crowd
Security & Surveillance

Smartphone Security Scanner 'Sees' Concealed Weapons and Explosives on a Person, Non-Invasively and in Real Time

June 6, 2018
From a distance of up to 40 feet, security agents or law enforcement personnel can scan individuals in a crowd or an approaching person of interest simply by pointing their smartphone at them with the SWORD device attached.

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