Wrap Technologies

Tempe, AZ 85281


About Wrap Technologies

Wrap Technologies is a global public safety technology and services company that delivers modern policing solutions to law enforcement and security personnel.


1817 West 4th Street
Tempe, AZ 85281

More Info on Wrap Technologies

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WRAP Technologies (Nasdaq: WRAP) is a global leader in innovative public safety technologies and services. The company develops creative solutions to complex issues and empowers public safety officials to protect and serve their communities through its portfolio of advanced technology and training solutions.

The company’s products, services, and solutions include the BolaWrap® Remote Restraint Device, Wrap Reality™ and Wrap Training Academy.

The BolaWrap remote restraint device is a patented, hand-held tool that deploys an eight-foot Kevlar® tether to temporarily restrain subjects from a distance of 10-25 feet. The use of this device allows officers time to safely apprehend and take a person into custody. Through its many field uses and growing adoption by agencies across the globe, BolaWrap is proving to be an effective tool to help officers safely detain a person without injury or the need to use higher levels of force.

Wrap Reality, the company’s virtual reality training system, is a fully immersive training simulator and comprehensive public safety training platform providing first responders with the discipline and practice in methods of de-escalation, conflict resolution, and use-of-force to better perform in the field.

The company promotes hands-on demonstrations and on-site train-the-trainer courses focused on integrating the BolaWrap and Wrap Reality into an officer’s toolkit of devices and soft skills. It conducts local and regional in-person, webinar and on-line demonstrations and use-of-force and de-escalation training to support law enforcement, corrections, private security, and military agencies around the world to respond to the changing public demands for modern less-lethal policing.

Products & Press Releases

Wrap Technologies

Wrap Technologies Launches Nationwide 'Don't Hurt Those Already Hurting' Campaign

Oct. 13, 2023
Global leader in innovative technologies plans to unveil series of community focused initiatives on bridging mental health and policing.

Wrap® Launches Use of Force Reduction Guarantee

March 1, 2023
Wrap Technologies, Inc. launched its Use of Force Reduction Guarantee, an industry first.

Wrap Technologies Appoints TJ Kennedy as CEO and Kevin Mullins as President

April 19, 2022
New appointments of industry veterans will support Wrap’s pursuit of growth in $50+ billion estimated addressable market.
Wrap Technologies, Inc.
Wrap Technologies, Inc. released new bodycam footage of a successful BolaWrap deployment restraining a non-compliant subject.

WRAP Releases New Bodycam Footage of Successful BolaWrap® Use to Restrain Non-Compliant Subject

April 21, 2021
Wrap Technologies, Inc. released new bodycam footage of a successful BolaWrap deployment restraining a non-compliant subject.
Wrap Technologies Inc.

BolaWrap® Safely Restrains Suicidal Subject in Florida: Police Bodycam Footage Released

Sept. 21, 2020
Wrap Technologies, Inc. reported a successful deployment of the BolaWrap by St. Cloud Police Department in Florida.
Wrap Technologies Inc.
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Handcuffs & Restraints

Hendersonville PD to use the BolaWrap from Wrap Technologies

Nov. 20, 2019
Hendersonville PD Among Agencies in North Carolina, South Carolina, New York, California, and Texas to receive BolaWrap Training in November 2019

BolaWrap Deployment Caught on Video

Oct. 21, 2019
Wrap Technologies, Inc. (the "Company" or "Wrap") (Nasdaq: WRTC), an innovator of modern policing solutions, today linked to a recent news report titled "Fresno police use Batman-style BolaWrap to detain stabbing suspect".

Wrap Technologies Demonstrates BolaWrap 100 to the International Community

Jan. 31, 2019
Representatives from 10 Countries Attended an Invitation Only Demonstration Held in Conjunction with the Las Vegas SHOT Show

Articles & News


Wrap Technologies Announces Major Acquisition

Aug. 9, 2023
Wrap Technologies Inc. announced the acquisition of body worn camera and digital evidence management company Intrensic, LLC.
Wrap Technologies
Over the last four years, the BolaWrap has proven itself time and time again as agencies around the country have begun using the tool and sharing their results captured on video.

That’s a Wrap: BolaWrap Helping Officers Detain Suspects

May 18, 2022
The BolaWrap is helping law enforcement officers detain suspects without having to resort to higher levels of force.
Wrap Technologies
Wrap Technologies recently released new bodycam footage of a successful BolaWrap deployment in Defiance, Ohio that helped officers prevent a “suicide by cop” attempt.

Ohio Officers Deploy BolaWrap to Help Prevent 'Suicide by Cop'

June 24, 2021
Wrap Technologies recently released new bodycam footage of a successful BolaWrap deployment in Defiance, Ohio that helped officers prevent a “suicide by cop” attempt.
Wrap Technologies
The BolaWrap deploys an 8-foot Kevlar cord with 380 pounds of strength to wrap noncompliant subjects.

Beyond The Weapon

Jan. 17, 2019
A look into less lethal trends, training and technology advancements.
Wrap Technologies
The BolaWrap 100 fires an eight-foot-long kevlar tether at a range of up to 25 feet and is designed to restrain people who are unruly or uncooperative, without having to resort to deadly force.

New Device Could Become Less-Lethal Tool

Aug. 13, 2018
The BolaWrap fires an eight-foot-long kevlar tether at a range of up to 25 feet and is designed to restrain people who are unruly or uncooperative, without having to resort to deadly force.

Videos & Resources

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New Bodycam Footage of BolaWrap in Use on Non-compliant Subject

April 21, 2021
The officers deployed the BolaWrap around the subject's ankles, restricting his mobility without injury.
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Actual Footage of BolaWrap Deployment Captured on Bodycam

Dec. 3, 2020
The Virginia Police Department in Minnesota captured a successful deployment of the BolaWrap® Remote Restraint device on bodycam.

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All content from Wrap Technologies

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The 'Best of What’s New: Security'

Dec. 5, 2018
Wouldn't you know it, Popular Science's Top 100 Innovations of 2018 includes a few for law enforcement.
Wrap Technologies Inc.
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