By Heather Fifield, External Communications Specialist at Motorola Solutions
We live in an age where technology is all around us. It impacts how we live and even how we work. Public safety officials know the truth of this; they rely on technology every day to help them do their jobs. Public safety technology has come a long way, but it still has untapped potential, much of which is still being defined. First responders and public safety personnel deserve access to the latest devices, software and technological advancements to help them be their best in the moments that matter. With a new year of industry trends and trade shows starting, let’s take a look at some of the top trends that were talked about at shows in 2018 that your agency should be aware of.
Cloud and Software-as-a-Service Solutions
With all of the advances to the cloud, agencies of any size can benefit from a cloud-based solution. Cloud and other software-as-a-service offerings allow departments to more easily adopt always-evolving technology as well as save agency resources by eliminating the need for physical file storage and the many costs that accompany it. This solution is becoming especially appealing to public safety agencies that are worried about budgeting and time constraints that come with managing onsite data storage in a digital world.
The cloud offers digital evidence management for your agency while also providing a better solution for storing large volumes of documents, images and multimedia files. Storing your department’s data in the cloud not only eliminates the need for physical servers or off-site locations, but it can also make it easier to share documents and collaborate on cases with other departments and neighboring agencies in your area.
FirstNet and 5G
FirstNet, or the First Responder Network Authority, is an independent authority created by the U.S. Congress in 2012 to build and operate the first nationwide, high-speed broadband network completely dedicated to first responders and public safety. First responders across all sectors could greatly benefit from a purpose-built network that is reliable and delivers the necessary coverage, capacity, security and interoperability to do their jobs.
In addition to cloud-based solutions, your personnel could benefit from a prioritized and dedicated broadband network that extends the reach of your LMR system. As initial deployments and testings are scheduled to begin in 2019, major carriers are already creating precedences into their networks specifically to support public safety operations. This means even if there is a high network demand, your agency would have the dedicated bandwidth needed to support important and critical processes. This bandwidth could be made possible with the next-generation of mobile networks, 5G. Utilizing this new and faster internet, your agency could have faster access to live-streaming video and large, cloud-based files, as well as improved functionality of your networked devices.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
One of the biggest challenges that accompanies quick technological advancement is the onslaught of information that an agency suddenly has to manage. The time-consuming process of manually reviewing any collected data limits the effectiveness and timeliness of that information. This is where Artificial Intelligence steps in.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are embedded into information flows and help to unleash insights from data, accelerate operations and guide better decision making. Running in the background, AI can pick up on any anomalies as well as provide your officers with timely notifications like warnings or important statistics about a certain area. AI has the potential to generate reports for you about recent spikes of criminal activity in particular areas, even including specific locations and times of day. It can effectively handle the information overload and assist in managing and understanding your data, flagging items for your team to review in a way that augments decision making and improves overall response.
Mobility - Wearables and Smartphones
Another public safety software topic discussed this past year at the APCO 2018 conference was the need for greater mobility. The days of expensive, bulky laptops are fading as more and more agencies are opting for smaller, more portable devices such as tablets. Officers can bring the tablet device with them when they leave their patrol vehicles and portable devices serve as a better option for public safety officers utilizing bikes or motorcycles.
The next step to further ease-of-use and portability are the smartphone and wearables like smartwatches. Smartphones are smaller than tablets but still contain extensive computing power and useful functionalities such as still photography, GPS, video and audio recording. Smartwatches can be used for more than just tracking fitness or checking messages. These devices can offer you a convenient way to stay connected to dispatch and other critical applications, as well as improve your officers’ situational awareness and help you better manage available field personnel.
Many factors are still being considered when it comes to getting public safety officials access to smartphone and smartwatches. However, steps are already being taken to address important issues such as security. It shouldn’t come as a surprise if in the next few years more agencies across the nation start adopting smartphones and wearables for their officers.
With the increased reliance on the internet comes more devious forms of threats, specifically cyber attacks. Hackers can gain access to a public safety agency’s records using a ransomware or Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack and within minutes have details on private information like identities of confidential informants and operations, or even cause a CAD system to be inoperable for hours. Cyber attacks can cripple your dispatch systems, slow response times and expose private records. These threats create not only an unsafe environment for public safety officers, but for citizens and corporations as well. Unfortunately, the threats are only growing more complex, numerous and intelligent.
It is crucial for your agency to be aware of these threats and understand what you are facing. You can download Motorola Solutions’ full report to gain more insight into targeted cyber attacks and what steps your agency can take to combat them and protect your sensitive data.  Â
All of these trends are currently playing, or will play, vital roles in shaping the future of public safety software. Advances like the ones mentioned above will help provide essential and more accurate information to your teams when and where it’s needed, empowering you to do more. Staying informed of top industry trends will help your agency keep ahead of the curve while also making the most of these new technologies to better your department and keep your officers and community safe. Â