Pellerin Milnor's V-Series washer-extractors, with 40 to 160 pound capacities, now feature RinSave water saver software that eliminates excessive rinse and intermediate extract steps. This innovative process allows a precise high G-Force to "sling" the wash liquor (including water, chemistry, and soil) out of the goods between the last wash step and following rinse cycle. Milnor's V-Series washer-extractors with RinSave software conserve water use without compromising superior wash quality. RinSave water saver replaces as many as two rinse steps and saves up to 10 minutes per load. No matter what capacity, Milnor's V-Series washerextractors with RinSave software will reduce water consumption up to 0.4 gallons/pound of goods processed. RinSave water saving feature can be retrofitted in certain existing Milnor V-Series machines.