This facility received the Law Enforcement Facilities II Bronze Award in the 2023 Officer Station Design Awards.
Official Project Name: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office District 2 Substation
Project City/State: Avondale, AZ
Date Completed: September 2022
Chief/Director: C.J. Jones, Facilities Mgmt. Dept. Director
Project Area (sq.ft.) 30,263
Total Cost: $11,108,000
Cost Per Square Foot: $367.05
Architect/Firm Name: Perlman Architects
City/State: Phoenix, Arizona
Phone: 480-951-5900
Design Team: Perlman Architects: Ken Powers, Architect of Record; Erik Thomsen, Designer; Juan Rivas, PM; Civil Design Solutions: Bill Gasque, Civil; Simply Structural: David Schott, Structural; Associated Mechanical Engineers: George Josephs, M&P; Akribis Engineers: Sheldon McInelly, Electrical; Logan Simpson Design: Jerry Moar, Landscape Designer
Project Description
The substation is located north of the existing Southwest Regional Court Center in Avondale and complements the established aesthetic while providing a recognizable identity for the Sheriff’s Office.
This shared facility on 7.8 acres combines a 25,312-square foot MCSO Sheriff’s Office and a 2,864-square-foot Fleet Maintenance, Equipment Services component, a 1,982-square foot covered Fuel Station, and a 2,087-square-foot drive-through Car Wash.
Site improvements include a public plaza, public parking, secure staff parking, an emergency back-up generator, a drive-thru sally port, secure fitness patio, and secure staff courtyard. The public plaza is paved with light and dark gray pavers in a running bond pattern, emphasizing a linear rhythm with staggered benches and landscaping.
The pavers are aligned with the steel columns for the covered entry and anchor the building to the public plaza. This facility houses command, investigation, patrol, evidence, a shared fitness room and detention personnel. A 1,550-square foot central courtyard connects the indoors to the outdoors while also providing natural lighting and a secure outdoor space for occupants. This shared facility maximizes operational cost savings and security opportunities while respecting the operational requirements of each department. The contemporary southwest aesthetic of the surrounding area influenced building massing and the material palette.
The material palette consists of smooth face and shot-blasted 8” tan CMU and 4” staggered CMU in light beige, tan, and brown, gray metal panel siding and glazing. Exterior building materials are specified with durability, insulation, sound absorption, and ease of serviceability.
The interior finishes are also neutral and common spaces such as fitness, corridors and courtyard display shot-blasted CMU throughout. Attention to durable and easily maintained interior and exterior materials ensures the facility will maintain its civic presence, sense of security, strength, and quality image for years to come.