2008 Innovation Awards Presented
The Cygnus Law Enforcement Group presented the 2008 Innovation awards on November 9th in San Diego. The awards event was held in conjunction with the annual conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
The Innovation Awards recognize new products and services introduced to the law enforcement market during the previous year. Manufacturers submit their newest and most inventive products for evaluation from a panel of independent judges of law enforcement professionals. There are 15 categories of entries.
Ronnie Garrett, the editorial director for the Cygnus Law Enforcement Group, hosted the invitation-only event held at the On Broadway Event Center in San Diego. Attendees enjoyed food and drinks at the reception.
The Cygnus Law Enforcement Group is comprised of the properties of Cygnus Business Media dedicated to law enforcement. These include Law Enforcement Technology and Law Enforcement Product News magazines, Officer.com, and Enforcement Expo.
The winners of this year's Innovation awards are:
Communications Category Winner:
Honeywell Batteries
HMA2104-LiP Battery
The new Honeywell HMA2104-LiP Lithium Ion Polymer Rechargeable Battery extends the operating time of the M/A-Com P7100/P7200 series radio to a full shift. The battery weighs significantly less than the OEM while offering 33% more capacity. There are other significant advantages seen in the HMA2104-LiP including dramatically improved cycle life and a wider range of operating temperatures. One of the most appreciable improvements of the Lithium Ion Polymer battery is the fact that there is no Memory Effect, thus eliminating the need for reconditioning and extending run times. These advantages have the ability to solve power management issues and improve mission-critical communications and officer safety.
"With Honeywell Batteries, we now have a product that has solved our longevity issue dealing with batteries. Since deploying Honeywell Batteries on the streets the complaints about radios not lasting have stopped," said Sgt. Trevino of the San Antonio Police Department.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Atlantic Signal: Amphibious Assault Headsets
- BelAir Networks: BelAir100M Mobile Mesh Node
- Surefire: EP4 Sonic Defenders Plus
Computers Category Winner:
General Dynamics Itronix
GoBook VR-2 Vehicle Rugged Notebook
The GoBook VR-2 was designed from the ground up to meet the specific requirements of law enforcement officials and is optimized for vehicle-docked applications. Considered vehicle rugged, the VR-2 meets fully-rugged specifications for temperature, vibration, dust, humidity and altitude - elements that law enforcement vehicles often experience in harsh or unpredictable environments. Because the VR-2 was designed without the rugged spec for drop and liquid ingress (although it still offers a high level of protection form these accidents), it saves significant budget over fully rugged solutions while still providing the rugged protection that matters in vehicle deployments. In addition, the VR-2 includes integrated and protected WLAN and WWAN antennas for greater reliability and performance, as well as built-in GPS and Bluetooth.
The VR-2 offers a unique 13.3-inch display featuring DynaVue™ - a new patent-pending display technology developed by General Dynamics Itronix that offers superior touchscreen viewability, especially in direct sunlight. The Intel Core2 Duo processor T7300 2.2GHz and Intel® 965GM Express chip set provide outstanding performance. By using the latest Intel technology, the GoBook VR-2 notebook provides the high level of performance required by law enforcement officials who have mission critical computing needs.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- General Dynamics Itronix: DynaVue Display Technology
- General Dynamics Itronix: GoBook MR-1 Rugged Ultra Mobile PC
- Panasonic Computer Solutions Company: Panasonic Toughbook U1
Corrections & Security Category Winner:
TruckVault, Inc.
TruckVault Hi-Sec One Drawer
TruckVault, Inc, makers of the world's finest in-vehicle secure firearms storage solutions are proud to announce their newest product line, the Hi-Sec One-Drawer TruckVault. Originally designed for high-security needs such as evidence collection, forensics and ballistics transportation, the Hi-Sec One-Drawer features a hidden solid steel shroud, covered in a layer of high-traffic carpeting, coupled with a dual-combination lock system and TruckVault's famous simple installation and outstanding craftsmanship to create a virtually impenetrable storage system, available for all makes and models.
"We've had this system in prototyping for a long time," said Don Fenton, Sales and Marketing Director for TruckVault. "The whole thing finally came together recently to create what we think is the ultimate in security and portability for in-vehicle storage systems. The Hi-Sec is as solid as a tank," Fenton added. The Hi-Sec One-Drawer TruckVault has been available since the beginning of 2008, and recently TruckVault completed an order for more than sixty of the products for a federal agency, including an adaptation of their popular Extreme Series All-Weather TruckVault with a disguised metal shroud for added protection. "We're excited to be able to support our federal agents," said Fenton. "Times are changing, and we pride ourselves on being able to adapt our products to meet an ever-changing marketplace."
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- KeyTrak: KeyTrak Guardian
- KuFBag Inc: Transporter Restraint
- VIDEX Inc.: iBR9000
Firearms Category Winner:
The SCAR, chosen by U.S. Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) as its next generation modular assault rifle system, will soon be available in a commercial version. The unique properties of the SCAR include its modularity - 99% of parts are interchangeable among same caliber platforms AND 82% of parts are interchangeable among the various platforms - rapid adaptability and astonishing reliability. This remarkable rifle has a 90,000 round service life and a more than 30,000 round barrel life.
The SCAR's free floating barrels are easily changed by loosening six screws, and all major windage and elevation adjustments are made at the permanently attached front sight. U.S. government and manufacturer testing prove that, once removed and reinstalled, a SCAR barrel will return within one minute of angle (1 MOA) to the previously established zero. As a result of the SCAR's ease of operation and modularity, there is less training time, increased effectiveness, simplified logistics, and a reduction of armorer service downtime.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Kimber Mfg. Inc.: SIS Custom RL
- Smith & Wesson: M&P 45 Compact
- Smith & Wesson: M&P 9L (5" Long Slide)
Firearms Accessories Category Winner:
Knoxx SpecOps Stock
Whether it's weapons qualification time again or having to use a shotgun or rifle on duty every day, there is no one that enjoys being beaten by recoil or suffering from a recoil related injury. BLACKHAWK!'s Knoxx SpecOps Stock takes the recoil out with an instantly adjustable stock that can be used on any mission, by anyone in the department. The patented Knoxx recoil-reducing stock uses dual recoil compensating systems by which, even with the heaviest loads, 95% of felt recoil is reduced!
The Knoxx SpecOps stock not only adjusts to fit the shooter, but accommodates load bearing and ballistic tactical vests with a pistol grip style stock. The design of the stock not only reduces recoil but cuts down on muzzle rise - so you can get back on target faster. The adjustable length of pull from 11.25 to 15.25 inches allows any officer in the department to use the gun comfortably and safely. Buying one SpecOps stock to fit many officers is a sure way to effectively save money without sacrificing quality products that may save lives.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- 5.11 Tactical: Double Gun Case
- ITT Enidine: .308 Hydraulic Buffer
- Laser Devices, Inc.: EOLAD
Forensics Category Winner:
Cross Match Technologies, Inc.
L Scan 500P
L SCAN® 500P is the lightest and smallest palm scanner in the industry and is designed to meet the growing market demand for lightweight, flat, single platen palm systems. This demand has grown in recent years as law enforcement agencies upgrade their booking process with palm capture systems to increase the probability of matching latent prints and making positive identifications. The L SCAN 500P is the only palm scanner in the industry equipped with a unique interactive LCD display including two smart buttons, descriptive icons and integrated color messages.
The LCD display is user-friendly and provides immediate feedback making the capture sequence easier, faster and safer. This special feature provides a greater measure of safety for a law enforcement officer who can capture a full set of high quality prints without losing eye contact with the person being booked or enrolled. An important tool in criminal investigations and forensic analysis, this device captures forensic quality images that comply with the FBI Image Quality Specification as defined in Appendix F of the EFTS. Cross Match’s patented auto capture technology enables users to obtain the highest quality single capture of upper, lower and writer's palm images, each in less than one second.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Drug Detective USA Inc.: Drug Detective
- JANT Pharmacal Corp.:Accutest Identa
- Paraben Corporation: CSI Stick
Hazmat/WMD Category Winner
Ahura Scientific, Inc.
TruDefender FT
In January 2008, Ahura Scientific launched its FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared) platform with the introduction of TruDefender™ FT, a handheld FTIR system designed to identify unknown chemicals directly in the hotzone without sample preparation or handling. Built for first responders, TruDefender FT weighs less than 3 pounds (1.4 kg) and is rugged enough to withstand the rigors of field use. Using press-and-shoot sampling, it collects a molecular "fingerprint" for identification, providing the accuracy and performance of large, lab-based instruments in a compact, handheld instrument, TruDefender FT complements Ahura Scientific's flagship FirstDefender® to maximize coverage of a broad range of unknown chemicals, including white powders, narcotics, explosives and their precursors.
The listed benefits of the TruDefender FT include: rapid identification of a range of unknown chemicals directly in the hotzone; fast, accurate analysis; precise results; easy to use; on-board hazard database; no scheduled maintenance or calibration; no consumables; flexible power source.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Concept Development Corp: Laser Guided Projectile LGP-1000
- Matthews Specialty Vehicles, Inc.: Mass Decontamination / Shower Trailer
- TSI Incorporated: PortaCount Pro+ Respirator Fit Tester
Less-lethal Category Winner
TASER International
The TASER XREP (eXtended Range Electronic Projectile) is a self-contained, wireless projectile that fires from a 12-gauge shotgun. The XREP projectile delivers similar Neuro Muscular Incapacitation (NMI) bio-effect as our handheld TASER® X26™, but can be delivered to a distance of up to 65 feet (20 meters).
The TASER XREP projectile is truly a revolutionary technology breakthrough, culminating five years of intensive research and development and a dream to protect life that began 14 years ago with the founding of TASER International.
The TASER XREP projectile introduces not only amazingly miniaturized TASER® technology, but groundbreaking flight stabilization and microprocessor-controlled intelligent electrode selection technologies - in a package that weighs only 14 grams, or half an ounce. The TASER XREP projectile is, by an order of magnitude, the most sophisticated weapon system ever launched from a 12-gauge shotgun platform.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- SureFire: E2D LED Defender
- Taser International: TASER Shockwave
- Ten-X Ammunition, Inc.: TX-40 Reloading Press
Software Category Winner
Indiana Supreme Court / TAG
Electronic Citation and Warning System
Indiana's electronic Citation and Warning System (eCWS) is an easy to use, effective e-citation solution for laptops and handheld computer devices, tied together with Web services and integrated with Indiana's statewide court case management system developed by Tyler Technologies, Inc., called Odyssey. The Judicial Technology and Automation Committee (JTAC) of the Indiana Supreme Court’s Division of State Court Administration built eCWS in-house and is making the system and its source code available to other governmental agencies for free. eCWS was developed with state and federal grant dollars, using TAG as the software developer.
Using a unique user interface, officers may complete a field stop in less than five minutes. Officers simply scan the offender's license and registration, the application is capable of adding up to four offenses per ticket, and assigning a court date. A combination of citations and warnings can be issued and printed on separate official, designed documents using standard inkjet and thermal printers.
Citations are uploaded to a Web-based Central Repository, where officers, data entry clerks, prosecutors and courts can work on the ticket as soon as the ticket come under the authority of that particular entity. Officers can enter, void and edit tickets. Prosecutors can file cases automatically with Indiana's court case management system (Odyssey), eliminating data errors, and saving countless dollars and administrative time on paper filing and tracking. JTAC worked with all state and local police departments and has already successfully implemented eCWS with several police agencies.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Laser Shot, Inc.: RunningMan
- Precise Digital: Note-Link
- Trancite Logic Systems: Easy Street Draw
Surveillance Category Winner
Pine Harbor Holding Company
The ShadowShield Sniper Hide
Pine Harbor Holding Company, developer of The ShadowShield Sniper Hide™, has designed a lightweight, portable, modular mirrored technology concealment device which can be deployed within 30 seconds. The ShadowShield Sniper Hide™ offers law enforcement and military the ability to disappear into the environment using highly designed, low tech equipment. The concept is versatile and effective in any environment and weather conditions, utilizing simple mirror technology incorporating any surroundings as camouflage. When deployed the shield blends seamlessly with the surrounding environment and with minimal training can even be employed in urban environments.
The features of The ShadowShield Sniper Hide™ include its light weight, modular design and excellent ability to conceal one or more personnel. The uniquely designed drop down "J" hook window is rapidly deployed and allows for surveillance and shooting without broadcasting location. Pine Harbor Holding Company began delivering The ShadowShield Sniper Hide™ on February 5, 2008 to leading military and law enforcement customers worldwide for evaluation, field testing and deployment.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Camero USA: Xaver 400 Tactical Through Wall Imager
- FindWhere: iFind 3000
- Proactive Technology Solution: Sentinel RX
Tactical Category Winner:
ReconRobotics, Inc.
Recon Scout
The Recon ScoutTM is a miniature, mobile robot that saves the lives of police and tactical officers by providing real-time video reconnaissance of hostile and dangerous environments. Constructed of aircraft aluminum and titanium and hardened electronics, the rugged Recon Scout can be thrown through a window or door, or tossed over a wall. Once deployed, the movement of the Recon Scout can be controlled at a distance using a joy-stick equipped operator control unit that also receives live video from the robot. In situations involving barricaded suspects, hostages, the stealthy Recon Scout allows police to gather mission critical information prior to entering the environment. This information, including the number and location of suspects, their possession of weapons, the status of hostages, and the layout of interior rooms allows entry teams to assess the situation and plan its safest resolution.
The Recon Scout can be thrown up to 120 feet, and can transmit video up to 100 feet through walls and doors, and up to 300 feet outdoors. Its sophisticated optics allow the transmission of clear video in extremely low light of just .0003 lux - about one-tenth the light found on a clear, moonless night. The Recon Scout is now being used by dozens of police and tactical units, the FBI, and special warfare units of the U.S. military.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Mustang Survival: Compact Damage Tolerant Life Preserver
- Pine Harbor Holding Company: ShadowShield Enforcer
- Z-Medica Corporation: QuikClot Combat Gause
Traffic Enforcement Category Winner:
Ticket Board
Ticket Board
The Ticket Board™ boasts several key safety-enhancing features. First, it lights and magnifies the operator's license so it is not only easy to read, but there is also no need to turn on the dome light or fumble with a flashlight. And because the license is firmly stowed on the board, there is no more dropping the license on the ground or in between the car seats. Four separate lights illuminate the writing surface so the ticket can also be clearly viewed without any external lighting necessary. In addition to this, the Ticket Board™ includes three LCD displays which indicate the current date and time as well as the next court date providing the officer with all pertinent information at a glance. Finally, the Ticket Board™ has holders for two additional driver’s licenses and these holders double as receptacles for accessories. It is Essential for Viewing Drivers Licenses, State IDs, Checking Security Features, Watercraft Documentation, Performing Vehicle Inventories & Recording Vehicle Identification Numbers. Ticket Board is used by law enforcement agencies all over the country and is currently being used in Airports, Border Patrols and Marine Watercraft enforcement and is part of Homeland Security Initiative to Detect Fraudulent Documents.
The Ticket Board™ was designed with convenience and ease-of-use in mind as well, and offers 25 different features. The board weighs less than two pounds making it easy and comfortable to use and has held up to the demanding conditions on patrol. The rechargeable lithium batteries are maximized by a 10 minute auto shut-off feature and can be recharged in the patrol car with the included DC adaptor or at the station or at home with an AC adaptor. Ticket Board has been awarded by the Georgia Governor's Office of Highway Safety and with Florida, West Virginia, Kansas, & Oregon, (Click it or Ticket) campaigns and is dedicated in saving lives. The Ticket Board™ is available in both right-handed and left-handed models and is covered by a 30-day money back guarantee.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Decatur Electronics: DEI Radar Mirror Display
- INEX / ZAMIR: LY handheld Camera
- Roadside Safety Supply: Duro Flares
Training Category Winner:
Dummies Unlimited, Inc.
Dyno-Flex Practice Batons
Known for their products that improve training and reduce injuries, Dummies Unlimited, Inc., now offers a new practice baton that is revolutionizing the practice baton industry. Their new Dyno-Flex Practice Batons significantly reduce injuries that traditional practice batons incur because they do not have a rigid PVC core. Most practice batons wrap a rigid PVC core with foam. This ill fated design results in a high frequency of "blowouts" and broken batons, unrealistic "fat" batons, and significant traumatic injuries to officers, regardless of whether their wearing a padded suit or not!
Dyno-Flex Practice batons are slender and realistic, yet flexible enough not to create injury to UNPADDED (or unprotected) arms or legs! This adds to realism in scenario based training. These batons are changing the practice baton industry because they are Less Traumatic, More Durable, More Realistic and Less Expensive than traditional practice batons.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- Advanced Training Systems Inc.: MT-74 "Ranger" 360 All Terrain Multi-Mission Tactical Target System
- RidgeLine Inc: ProEars Gold Series
- Ti Training Inc.: Training Lab 3D
Uniforms & Body Armor Category Winner:
Integrated Tourniquet System Apparel
The battlefield has changed. Whether it's on the streets of Baghdad or Los Angeles, more soldiers and officers are suffering from extremity wounds. With advances in body armor and helmets the most common cause of preventable deaths can be attributed to blood loss from an extremity wound. BLACKHAWK!'s Integrated Tourniquet System (I.T.S.)pants and shirts integrate four tourniquets in the pants and shirt (two lower leg, two upper leg; two lower arm, two upper arm), thus providing the operator with life-saving devices that can easily be used by himself or a partner.
The I.T.S. system allows for single-handed application with a flip-pull-twist activation; all in seconds, providing complete occlusion of blood. Both the I.T.S. pants and shirt are comfortable to wear, made of durable fabric, and can be washed and dried without affecting the quality of the tourniquets. Operators can wear the clothing in training scenarios and reactivate the tourniquets multiple times. With an increase in extremity wounds, the I.T.S. is always present to save a limb, if not a life.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- 10 Zero Company: 9mm Glove
- Point Blank Solutions, Inc.: Thor Shield
- Russ Innovations & Flak Vest Hangers: FLAK Vest Hanger
Vehicles & Vehicle Accessories Category Winner:
StarChase LLC
Pursuit Management System
The StarChase Pursuit Management System (PMS) is a real-time tagging and tracking tool developed for the law enforcement sector to reduce dangerous high-speed pursuits. The commercial off-the-shelf solution is comprised of a compressed-air launcher that can be hand-held or mounted behind the grille of a police vehicle, and a miniature GPS receiver, radio transmitter and power supply encased in a tracking projectile.
A control panel inside the vehicle allows the officer to aim a laser to acquire the target and discharge a projectile containing the GPS receiver, transmitter and power supply. The projectile adheres to the suspect vehicle and transmits coordinates back to dispatch. The dispatcher then views the location and movements of the tagged vehicle in near real-time on a digital roadmap via a secure Internet connection.
The PMS is backed by a one-year warranty with the option to extend to three years. A 10-minute maintenance program is recommended on a quarterly basis. Extensive road testing has proven the PMS' ability to survive in harsh law enforcement environments. The system greatly reduces liability to municipalities by offering less-lethal and less-costly alternatives to current high-speed chase protocol. Municipalities using the PMS receive a launcher, control panel, test and live projectiles, and a data plan.
Along with the winner, the finalists in this category were:
- DefensTech International, Inc.: Defend-X EZ Bolt in Ballistics Vehicle Door Panels
- Myers Enterprises, Inc.: Stun-Cuff PCU
- Renegade Specialty Vehicles/Kibbi LLC: Command Vehicle

Lt. Frank Borelli (ret), Editorial Director | Editorial Director
Lt. Frank Borelli is the Editorial Director for the Officer Media Group. Frank brings 20+ years of writing and editing experience in addition to 40 years of law enforcement operations, administration and training experience to the team.
Frank has had numerous books published which are available on Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, and other major retail outlets.
If you have any comments or questions, you can contact him via email at [email protected].