EMERES Enters U.S. Market with Cirrus Public Safety Platform

Aug. 8, 2023

Montreal, QC – Montreal-based EMERES, Inc. announced its entry into the U.S. market with the release of its Cirrus Public Safety Platform. The cloud-native Cirrus platform offers a suite of public safety applications developed around its core multi-discipline, computer-aided dispatch (CAD) application. Cirrus incorporates all features of EMERES’ internationally acclaimed Strata CAD suite used by 9-1-1, Law Enforcement, Fire, and EMS agencies of all sizes. Additionally, Cirrus allows agencies to configure, adapt, and build applications and interfaces using Cirrus’ proprietary low-code design tool that streamlines the design process and guarantees data integrity and interoperability between all internal and external applications.

Cirrus is the third generation CAD solution developed by the EMERES team which has pioneered numerous public safety innovations throughout the past three decades. The new platform delivers NG9-1-1 compliant advanced CAD capabilities, and multimedia communications with easily deployable and maintainable web client applications.

“Cirrus enters the U.S. market as a functionally rich, scalable and proven CAD solution,” said Albert Israel, CEO of EMERES, Inc. “It’s DNA has been refined and validated by deployments at a state and national scale, and across diverse disciplines. We’ve combined that with a revolutionary design tool that delivers a new standard of adaptability to our U.S. customers and the ability to extend the use of the platform beyond dispatch processes.”

Cirrus empowers agencies to build custom applications and interfaces while maintaining platform security, resiliency, connectivity, and scalability. Users also benefit from a wide selection of components, applications, services and quick-connect interfaces available in the Public Safety Application (PSAPP) Market. This extensive collection of applications and interfaces is specially curated for Cirrus customers and offers solutions from EMERES, other vendors and agencies alike.

EMERES has selected public safety technology veteran Jarret Winkelman to serve as the Vice President of the U.S. Market. Winkelman brings experience from a broad background working in a variety of public safety roles, including 911 dispatch, Search & Rescue, EMS, and HAZMAT. He previously founded and served as CEO of a technology company providing incident command and planning solutions to public safety agencies.

“EMERES’ customer-centered focus is fully evident in the Cirrus platform,” said Winkelman. “Nearly all public safety technology is customizable to a point, but agencies must often spend significant time and money working with their vendors to receive new capabilities, adaptations, and interfaces. Cirrus changes that by providing agencies with novel tools to build solutions, own their designs, and share them as desired in an expanding marketplace.”

The Cirrus platform includes a mandatory compliance guarantee from EMERES to meet industry standards and regulations including NENA, APCO International, CJIS, and NFPA among others. In addition to direct customer support from EMERES, Cirrus includes user forums that allow customers to both provide and receive peer-to-peer support and share best practices and helpful tips.

EMERES is in the process of finalizing contracts with multiple U.S. customers. It anticipates the first deployments of the Cirrus Public Safety Platform will begin in early 2024.

About EMERES, Inc.

EMERES, Inc., was formed in 2016 by a team of public safety industry pioneers that have worked together for more than 25 years designing sophisticated software solutions for public safety agencies. EMERES takes a customer centric approach with the goal of revolutionizing public safety by improving safety, response, and efficiency. For more information on EMERES products and services, visit our website at www.emeres.com.

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