M/A-COM, Inc., a business unit of Tyco Electronics, recently unveiled the VIDA (Voice, Interoperability, Data and Access) Network Solution for critical and public safety communications. VIDA unifies all disparate communications systems and equipment onto a single network solution. No longer do public safety communications users have to choose "either-or" solutions. With the VIDA Network, users can mix and match the system capabilities that best meet their requirements of functionality and geography. Through an Internet Protocol (IP) architecture, M/A-COM's VIDA Network enables access to a combination of voice and data functionality, interoperability and network security with the flexibility to build and easily upgrade critical communications systems now and in the future. VIDA offers numerous benefits over conventional radio-based solutions, including: fully integrated voice and data services and interoperability with legacy systems; one unified communications network that is expandable across a state, region or nationwide; and the ability to selectively add capacity, coverage and additional features as specific needs arise.