An example of IGAN 2.0 new deployment capabilities would include law enforcement tracking a suspect, constructing a map of every location visited, and incorporating any related media collected from surveillance cameras, drones, and other apparatus. This transitions the platform beyond a simple incident response system and into a real-time intelligence collection and integration tool.
IGAN 2.0 attains the highest level of security available, is fully proprietary, and is an easy to deploy SaaS-based advanced incident command system (ICS). Our platform offers real-time, integrated communications, multimedia input, and interaction among multiple parties through all connectivity devices. When equipped with IGAN, first responders can now receive real-time, high-definition audio and video, during any incident, as well as other relevant actionable intelligence on an ongoing basis.
To date, IGAN has been utilized successfully in multiple life and death scenarios, including hostage-taking, search-and-rescue, felony-in-progress, fugitive apprehension, building and home searches, and warrant-based apprehensions.