dtSearch Corp.
About dtSearch Corp.
Bethesda, MD 20816
More Info on dtSearch Corp.

The Smart Choice for Text Retrieval® since 1991, dtSearch has provided enterprise and developer text retrieval along with document filters for over 23 years. The company offers parsing, extraction, conversion and searching of a broad spectrum of data formats. Supported data types encompass databases, static and dynamic website data, popular “Office” formats, compression formats and emails (including the full-text of nested attachments). The dtSearch product line includes enterprise and developer text search products, meeting some of the largest-capacity text retrieval needs in the world. dtSearch products have received hundreds of excellent case studies and press reviews. (Please see www.dtsearch.com for these.) The company has distributors worldwide, including coverage on six continents. For more information, or to download fully-functional evaluations, please call 1-800-IT-FINDS (or 301/263-0731), email [email protected], or visit www.dtsearch.com.