0800 Introduction
0830-1030 Introduction to Mobile Surveillance Class (callouts/setup/map exercise)
1030-1045 Prep for instructor lead practical
1045-1200 Instructor lead practical
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1430 Student practical 1 (driving)
1430-1600 Student practical 2 (driving)
1600-1630 After-Action Review
0800-0900 Introduction to Foot Surveillance Class (callouts/setup/map exercise)
0900-0930 Movement to foot practical (instructor lead)
0930-1200 Instructor lead practical (instructor lead)
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1430 Student practical 1 (foot)
1430-1600 Student practical 2 (foot)
1600-1630 After-Action Review
0800-1200 Introduction to Surveillance Photography class
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1600 Photography practical
1600-1630 After-Action Review
0800-1000 Introduction to Surveillance Detection/Counter-Surveillance Class
1000-1200 Instructor lead practical
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1430 SDR/Counter Con-op/planning
1430-1600 SDR/Counter practical
1600-1630 After-Action Review
0800-0930 Con-op, planning, movement (student lead)
0930-1200 Student lead practical (mobile)
1200-1300 Lunch
1300-1400 Frago/movement (mobile, foot)
1400-1800 Final practical (all methods)
1800-1830 After-Action Review
For more information, visit