Cleveland, OH 44104


About PSS


2444 Baldwin Road
Cleveland, OH 44104
United States of America
(216) 231-8590

More Info on PSS

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For over 40 years, PSS has pioneered breakthrough solutions that can safeguard worksites and save lives. Through continuous innovation, and with consultation, education, and training, we work to save lives today, tomorrow, and for decades to come.

"Identity Pillars" guide our business. They serve as our foundation and compass.

Pillar ONE: Innovation

  • Construct the future of roadway safety with new products, services that save lives.
  • Cultivate partnerships that drive new safety ideas and initiatives.

We launched our first innovative safety device, LifeGard Traffic Drum with Rubber Tire Ballast, almost 30 years ago. We later developed other innovative safety devices, like CrashGard® Sand Barrel System and BoardWalk Pedestrian RAMP. 

RoadQuake® 2F Temporary Portable Rumble Strip and RAPTOR® Rumble Strip Handling Machine further burnished our reputation for innovation.

As David E. Cowan, President & CEO, says, “We don’t just talk about Innovations for Safety® - we live it.”

Pillar TWO: Work Zone Safety

  • Transform current assumptions about work zone safety - one idea at a time.
  • Pursue a future where every person arrives home safely at the end of the day.

Our drum, channelizer and barricade products long exemplified our commitment to roadway work zone safety, and the protection of motorists and workers. The launch of our ADA-Compliant devices expanded that commitment to include sidewalk work zones and pedestrians, especially those with limited vision or mobility issues.

We will continue to develop compliant, certified work zone safety devices for both roadway or sidewalk work zones, or wherever, as David E. Cowan, President & CEO, says, “motorists, workers, and pedestrians intersect and interact.”

Pillar THREE: Education

  • Committed to sharing our knowledge and expertise with partners and customers. 
  • Provide online educational technology and on-site, custom training sessions to the roadway safety industry.

Education is the most recent Pillar added. But in a few short years, we have created programs that will improve safety on roads, pedestrian pathways and bikeways.

First, PSS provides Online Distance Training through our Learning Management System web site. Second, START Group, a PSS partner, offers custom, classroom training designed to improve the safety of your employees. Third, we publish best practices guides and reference guides to share our knowledge and expertise with product users.

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