OnSSI integrated the Ocularis IP Video Management platform with license plate recognition capabilities provided by INEX/Zamir. The system expands the capabilities of Ocularis with the addition of license plate capture despite bright headlights, direct sunlight or low light levels (down to 0.0 lux). The INEX/Zamir system transforms the license plate image into data, which can be used by Ocularis to call up real-time video based on the license plate number or to provide instant notification/alarms for vehicles of interest. The combined technologies provide users a single interface to view video and license plate information and offer positive ID of vehicles as a new element to boost the usefulness of Ocularis.
INEX/Zamir provides guaranteed license plate capture – “any plate, anytime, any speed” – using a turnkey solution that incorporates the company’s license plate imagers, software and applications. For more than 15 years, INEX/Zamir has worked to perfect the capture of license plate information to create a system that reads license plates in real time and determines if a vehicle is of interest by matching it to a BOLO (“be on the lookout”) list. Integration with Ocularis enables an immediate, actionable event to be sent to the Ocularis Event Manager to allow security users to instantly view video of the area, to see a picture of the plate, and to see details about the BOLO vehicle. Benefits to the end-user also include the ability to track vehicle patterns.
INEX/Zamir is the result of the merger in 2006 of INEX Technologies and Zamir Recognition Systems. The merged company is dedicated to applying the most current, proven information extraction techniques to meet the requirements of real world applications all over the world.
OnSSI's Ocularis IP Video Management solution is an open-architecture, non-proprietary, video-centric software platform that allows viewing, management and recording of video from an unlimited number of IP and non-IP video surveillance cameras. Ocularis also allows for video storage management and can correlate and fuse video and non-video events and alerts, resulting in automatic video delivery to subscribers of interest.