The 3M Mobile ALPR Camera is a dual camera that incorporates infrared illumination for effective license plate imaging and a color camera to provide a vehicle overview image. Using a multi-exposure technique, commonly referred to as “Triple-flash” technology, this covert camera can effectively suppress ambient light such as headlights and bright sunlight. This helps to reduce the image quality differences caused by plate-to-plate quality variations.
3M Mobile ALPR Cameras are available in multiple calibrations. In conjunction with the placement on the vehicle, these cameras are designed to meet the specific needs for almost any application.
• Traffic Camera-
Primarily suited for adjacent lane traffic application. It is designed for longer-range traffic applications such as interstate and highway patrol. This camera is most often mounted on the patrol vehicle looking forward into each adjacent lane.
• Short Traffic Camera-
Suited for urban deployments with slower moving city traffic and streets lined with parked vehicles. Also capable of reading across two lanes of traffic.
• Parking Camera-
Serves a very unique application for dedicated parking patrols. This camera is most commonly mounted on the passenger side looking out 90 degrees from the patrol vehicle.
• Long Parking Camera-
This camera is typically mounted on the driver side looking out 45 degrees from the patrol vehicle.