Phoenix Police Officer Critically Injured in Crash

July 20, 2018
A Phoenix police officer was critically injured after a two-vehicle crash Thursday afternoon.

A Phoenix police officer was critically injured after a two-vehicle crash Thursday afternoon.

The officer was leaving a police substation in an unmarked vehicle and was exiting to go southbound on Cave Creek Road, when he collided with a vehicle going northbound, according to KNXV-TV.

"The extent of his injuries are very critical, so we continue to get updates from the hospital and from the police personnel who are there," Sgt. Armando Carbajal told the news station.

The 53-year-old officer, who is a 26-year veteran of the force years of service on the force, underwent surgery for his injuries.

Dozens of officers stopped by the hospital to visit the injured officer, including Phoenix Police Chief Jeri Williams.

Officials said that the other driver and passenger have minor injuries.

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