
March 18, 2025

When every second counts, LYT.emergency next generation Emergency Vehicle Preemption (EVP) moves emergency vehicles through congested intersections faster, safer, and more intelligently than ever before.

Harnessing the power of a single edge device installed in your Traffic Management Center (TMC), emergency vehicles can now speak to every networked traffic signal in your city through the LYT cloud platform. That means a consistent and reliable green light for every emergency vehicle, on every call, and more affordably than other EVP products available.

Forget about paying thousands of dollars for clunky dash-mounted strobe lights and traffic pole equipment. LYT.emergency quickly enables citywide preemption by utilizing your existing CAD/AVL system and networked traffic signals. Providing your city a cost-effective, robust, and maintenance-free preemption solution.

LYT.emergency reduces side impact collisions by up to 70%.* And thanks to the LYT platform, LYT.emergency can rush first responders to the incident scene up to 50% faster* than non-EVP equipped intersections.

LYT.emergency is continually learning and getting smarter all
the time, future proofing your intersections with every included feature release and software update.

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