The Law Enforcement Shooting Stars (LE.S.S.), action shooting event
Epping, NH
Each regional L.E.S.S. winner is guaranteed a prize of $15,000 with a chance at an extra $5,000 in a bonus round for a total of $80,000 in cash prizes. Scores will be tallied from preliminary rounds. The top twenty per region go to the finals. The first of four tournaments, Northeast preliminaries, begin June 16-23, 2012 with finals July 7-8, 2012. Competing is convenient, as Site Picture will attempt to keep preliminaries no more than 40 miles from an officer’s home. Finalists travel on. All local, state, and federal law enforcement is eligible.
Sign-up deadline is May 31, 2012 for Northeast, June 30th for other regionals.
Where: Preliminaries: A range near the shooter
N.E. Regional Finals: Sig Sauer Academy, Epping, NH
When: N.E. Preliminaries: June 16-23, 2012
N.E. Finals: July 7-8, 2012
(See for other regional dates and locations)