Cast Glance Optical Consultants has added a camera to its Eye-Cam family. Eye-Cams share the user's view through riflescopes, spotting scopes, stabilized binoculars and night vision devices while recording the scene. CCD and CMOS technologies are utilized in both color and black-and-white models, and a low-lux CCD model is also available.The new camera is a lipstick-shaped color CCD with 380 lines of horizontal resolution, 0.5 lux, a S/N ratio of >52db, and speeds of up to 1/100,000 sec. The ergonomic shape of the camera is the next step in satisfying the human factor requirements involved in specialized intelligence gathering and training. It is a welcome addition to daytime video capture using binoculars and spotting scopes, as well as imposing fewer burdens on users during riflescope training.