The UltraLite ALS Kit is a powerful, solid-state forensic alternate light source. It features an intensity range of 400 mW's to an astounding 1000 mW's of power. Its lightweight, compact design (weighing approximately 300 grams) is especially beneficial for processing stairways, ceilings, or the inside of a vehicle. The UltraLite ALS Kit, from the Lynn Peavey Co., features Blue-Merge Technology (BMT) which is the merging of forensic wavelengths to optimize viewing ranges. By producing the perfect blend, an investigator will only need to go over the crime scene once to gather nearly 100 percent of evidence work. This kit comes complete with the light unit, two rechargeable lithium batteries, ALS power pack, universal A/C input power cord, goggles, twin-battery charger, and a custom-designed zippered "holster pack".