A Boston woman who passed a courteous yet error-riddled note to a bank teller demanding cash was arrested 10 minutes later when officers found her shelling out the dough to children, police said.
Jasmin Rivera, 30, allegedly told a teller at the Citizen's Bank on the Avenue de Lafayette yesterday that she had a gun and warned "I'll follow you home" -- but added "please" and "thank you" in a babbling billet littered with spelling mistakes, Boston police spokesman Officer Eddy Chrispin said.
"I know where you leave (sic)," the note said. "No one will get hert (sic)."
After fleeing with an undisclosed amount of cash, Rivera jumped into a cab in front of the Ritz Carlton, turned onto Washington Street and tried taking a left back on Lafayette before Rivera yelled to take a right, Chrispin said.
"I just robbed a bank," Rivera allegedly told the cab driver, before ducking down into the back seat.
When police found a woman matching the thief's description minutes later in the South End, she was handing out cash to children, but denied being the robber, Chrispin said. She told officers her friend was responsible, and they had exchanged clothes, he said.
Police said she is due in Boston Municipal Court today.
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