FBI Updates DNA Quality Assurance Standards to Now Include Rapid DNA Analysis
Pleasanton, California – December 1, 2014 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has updated their current DNA databasing standards to include an Addendum to the Quality Assurance Standards for DNA Databasing Laboratories performing Rapid DNA analysis and Modified Rapid DNA Analysis Using a Rapid DNA Instrument.
Rapid DNA analysis is used to generate DNA profiles in less than two hours, for use in local and regional law enforcement to potentially fight violent crime with speedy results. This technology may also be used to prevent human trafficking and fraudulent asylum requests.
“This expansion of the QAS enables improved productivity in forensic laboratories, which can aid in the reduction of the DNA testing backlogs that have been the focus of concern for law enforcement, legislators and concerned citizens for some time now” stated Louis Grever, former Executive Assistant Director, Science and Technology Branch of the FBI. “It is an important milestone as we enable the use of rapid DNA analysis in ways that are actionable for law enforcement in our local communities.”
The Addendum describes the requirements that accredited laboratories performing Rapid DNA analysis or modified Rapid DNA analysis must achieve in order for those results to be considered for inclusion in the Combined DNA Index System (CODIS). Auditing documents, as well as Lab Checklists are provided to ensure participating labs comply with the Quality Assurance Standards. These newly developed standards will take effect December 1, 2014. Additionally, Rapid DNA technology will now be available for purchase with Department of Justice grant funds for the allowable purposes outlined by the QAS.
“This is a significant move forward for the technology“, stated Robert Schueren, President and Chief Executive Officer of IntegenX, “as it provides clarity to the forensics community regarding the use of Rapid DNA instruments and standards for data upload into CODIS from these platforms”. Schueren continued, “IntegenX is committed to bringing Rapid DNA testing to the forefront of our communities where our mission is to provide a timely response to law enforcement. In many cases, time saved in the lab could mean fewer victims of crime in our communities.”
IntegenX is the market leader in Rapid Human DNA identification with the RapidHIT® System. The RapidHIT System is the first fully automated sample-to-answer instrument for DNA profile analysis that enables forensic experts to generate DNA profiles in less than two hours. Samples processed using IntegenX GlobalFiler® Express cartridges can now be uploaded to the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System (CODIS).
About IntegenX
IntegenX Inc., headquartered in Pleasanton, California, is the market leader of Rapid Human DNA identification technology. IntegenX technology platforms integrate advanced fluidics, optics, and biochemistry capabilities to produce sample-to-answer products for DNA-based human identity testing for forensics and law enforcement applications. For more information, please visit www.integenx.com.
IntegenX, the IntegenX logo, and RapidHIT are the registered trademarks of IntegenX Inc. GlobalFiler and GlobalFiler Express are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Life Technologies Corporation, a ThermoFisher brand. All other names or trademarks are the property of their respective owners.