Fla. Police Respond to Bizarre Video of Clown with Mallet Pacing on Bridge

Sept. 24, 2024
Is this nightmare fuel for later? Miami-Dade police searched for a man dressed as a clown and holding a hammer after a traffic camera spotted him walking on a pedestrian bridge.

Miami-Dade police searched for a man dressed in a clown outfit while wielding what looked like a large hammer or mallet walking on a pedestrian bridge over the Palmetto Expressway Tuesday morning.

Footage of the man was shown on the X account of Total Traffic Miami. The bizarre incident happened around 9:30 a.m. in the area of Southwest 75th Court and 35th Street, according police radio traffic.

In the video, the man was seen pacing back and forth as rush hour traffic passed underneath the bridge.

Detective Angel Rodriguez, a Miami-Dade police spokesman, said officers searched for person, but did not find him, and the call was cleared.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.


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