On Christmas morning this year I’ll have no children or grandchildren to wake me up before the sun. Yes, that does effect my wish list. The first thing on my Christmas wish list is a cup of coffee. That one is guaranteed for delivery. The only question is whether I’ll make it, or if my wife will make it. With that cup of coffee in hand, we’ll settle in the family room and start sorting what’s under the tree. Here’s a quick list of things I’d love to find... and now we’ll see.
A Glock Model 42. Yes, I have several handguns and two of them are Glocks—Model 17 and Model 43, both in 9mm. The G43 is my EDC handgun. The G17 is what I strap on if I have to wear a gun belt or go to a higher crime area. I carried a Glock 42 (chambered in .380ACP) for about a week in Las Vegas a couple years ago. It was extremely comfortable and highly concealable. It would be ideal for those times when a “pocket gun” is the best preference.Studies and Observations Group (SOG) makes a multitool called the PowerPint. The multitool I’ve had for a couple decades that is now wearing out needs to be replaced. Having shopped around, given a choice, I’d love to wake up and find a PowerPint under the tree.
A Meprolight MicroRDS. The complete system comes with a front and rear fixed site, but the rear site has a mounting rail that comprises the front portion of it. The RDS mounts to that rail. Where some RDS systems have compatibility issues with fixed sites, making co-witnessing difficult or impossible, the Meprolight system allows for quick detach (flip a lever) of the RDS if you need to ditch it for any reason. Age and the contemporary shooting community have led me to believe that an RDS is what I need on my G43. The Meprolight MicroRDS is the one I’d like.Some polyurethane patches with the Officer Virtual Academy logo on them. Since Officer.com launched its virtual academy last month (Officer.com/21248466), I’ve been contemplating having several shirts made with the logo embroidered on the left chest. As I think about it, I’d like to be able to show that logo on a hat, or slap it on a backpack patch panel, or put it on one of the shoulder panels of any one of the several shirts I have with such a panel available. So, maybe six to twelve of those rubberized type patches would be awesome.
Jeans. I know, this seems so simple and silly but my closet is full of “cop pants.” I’ve got a dozen pair of different kinds of 5.11 pants and a bunch more from First Tactical, Propper, etc. Since I don’t wear a uniform regularly anymore, properly fit Wranglers would be the bomb.
What’s on your officer’s wish list?

Lt. Frank Borelli (ret), Editorial Director | Editorial Director
Lt. Frank Borelli is the Editorial Director for the Officer Media Group. Frank brings 20+ years of writing and editing experience in addition to 40 years of law enforcement operations, administration and training experience to the team.
Frank has had numerous books published which are available on Amazon.com, BarnesAndNoble.com, and other major retail outlets.
If you have any comments or questions, you can contact him via email at [email protected].