The Level III+ Rifle Special Threat Rated Mini Shield from RTS Tactical offers quick deployment for protection against Brutal Special Threat rounds sought out in the DEA Body Armor Testing Protocols. Currently, the majority of armored ballistic shields deployed in the field of service by the United States law enforcement agencies are missing Rifle Rated Protection. Departments are purchasing high-level Polyethylene Level III Rifle Rated Shields leaving personnel vulnerable to common street threats.
RTS Tactical
Level III+ Rifle Special Threat Rated Mini Shield
Starting at 11 pounds, the RTS Tactical Mini Shield stops rounds like 5.56x45mm 62 gr. M855 (Green Tip), Russian 7.62x39mm 123 gr. MSC (M43), and 7.62x51mm NATO M80 FMJ used in short barrel rifles and commonly found in active shooter situations. The Mini Shield is equipped with a heavy-duty handle, oversized trauma pad system, and quick release buckle for maximum effectiveness in the field.