When searching in a wooded area, or sniffing through thick brush, law enforcement dogs consistently risk contracting tick-related diseases. In climates containing sandy soil or hardwood trees, ticks can latch onto a dog and easily hide beneath the animal's fur. If left unattended, the tick will feed off the dog and possibly infect him/her with Lyme-causing bacteria.
Awaiting lab results for tick-related diseases can be a challenge, but with the help of Lymealyzer, officers can detect the presence of Lyme-causing bacteria on-site before it severely compromises the canine's health. Lymealyzer, a Lyme disease warning system, can test the ticks directly after removal from your animal. While traditional lab results may take weeks, the Lymealyzer can detect whether or not the tick carries the bacteria that causes Lyme disease within 10 minutes.