Runaway Fla. Sheriff's K-9 Fatally Shot after Attacking Alpaca

March 19, 2025
In a strange and tragic incident, Brooks, a Hillsborough County sheriff's K-9, jumped the fence at their Lithia home and attacked a neighbor's alpaca before being shot and killed by the alpaca's owner.

By Mark Price

Source The Bradenton Herald

A sheriff’s deputy lost his beloved K-9 partner under unusual circumstances when the dog was killed while attacking an alpaca, according to investigators in Florida.

It happened around 10 p.m. Monday, March 17, in the unincorporated Lithia community, and the alpaca’s owner fired the fatal shot at K-9 Brooks, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office said in a news release.

“At approximately 9:30 p.m., Master Deputy Charles Perdomo was at his residence when he let Brooks out for a bathroom break within his fenced yard. For unknown reasons, Brooks managed to jump the fence and ran into the wooded area behind the deputy’s home,” the sheriff’s office said.

“Around 10 p.m., a neighbor ... discovered Brooks actively attacking his alpaca. Unaware that Brooks was an HCSO Canine, the neighbor attempted to deter the attack by firing a shotgun in hopes of scaring the dog away.”

That warning shot did not stop the attack, so the man fired again and fatally struck Brooks, officials said.

An investigation has been launched into the circumstances that led to his death.

“We are heartbroken over the loss of K-9 Brooks, a dedicated and courageous member of our HCSO family,” Sheriff Chad Chronister said in the release. “The unbreakable bond between a K9 and their partner is like no other, making this loss even more heartbreaking. Our thoughts are with Deputy Perdomo and all those affected.”

The alpaca survived the attack and is being treated for a leg injury, the sheriff’s office said.

Alpacas are a domesticated livestock species related to the camel and they can reach about 200 pounds, according to the Alpaca Owners Association. They are native to South America and known for producing fleece, like sheep, the association says.

Lithia is aout a 23-mile drive southeast from Tampa.


© 2025 The Bradenton Herald (Bradenton, Fla.).


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