BC3 Technologies

Baltimore, MD 21229


About BC3 Technologies


3701-A Southwestern Blvd
Baltimore, MD 21229

More Info on BC3 Technologies

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BC3 Technologies, Inc. is a privately held medical device company focused on the development and commercialization of aerosolized hemostatic products that help save lives. A certified minority-owned company, BC3 was founded on the idea that there needs to be a change in the way health care professionals and first responders manage life-threatening arterial bleeding.

Each year, 40 percent of critically wounded people with arterial bleeding die in transit to the hospital. Bleeding wounds, including gunshot wounds, that cannot be treated with standard hemostatic methods, such as applying pressure with bandages, remain a leading cause of potentially preventable deaths. Arterial bleeding also increases the chances of spreading blood borne diseases. In addition, and independent of the mechanism of injury, hemorrhagic shock consistently represents the second-leading cause of early deaths among the injured.

These findings emphasize the need for prompt and more effective hemorrhage control for first responders and military personnel.

Products & Press Releases


BC3 Technologies Receives FDA Clearance for SEAL Hemostatic Wound Spray

March 22, 2023
FDA clearance paves way for commercial use of first and only aerosolized chitosan for management of serious arterial hemorrhage.

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