Balderson, Ohio Law Enforcement Announce First Region in Country to Adopt Life-Saving Kits for First Responders
DELAWARE – Congressman Troy Balderson (R-OH-12) today announced that Ohio Emergency Management Services are equipping first responders with life-saving tools to assist during mass emergencies.
Congressman Troy Balderson, Delaware County Sheriff Russell Martin, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office Patrol Bureau Chief Jim Gilbert, Delaware County EMA Director Sean Miller, and Franklin County EMA and Homeland Security Office Director Jeff Young
During a joint press conference, Balderson, Franklin County Emergency Management and Homeland Security (FCEM&HS), Emergency Management Directors from the surrounding 14 counties, and Columbus-based citizenAID announced a partnership to provide nearly 1,000 Public Safety Drop Kits to first responders throughout Central Ohio.
"We know that a crucial window of time exists before first responders can arrive on the scene of a mass incident – and may need to defuse a threat – before injured persons are able to receive care,” said Balderson. “By providing these drop kits and proactively empowering Ohioans to provide lifesaving care, we are giving back precious minutes that might be the difference between life and death. This partnership is an innovative move to equip our citizens with the skills and tools they need to save others’ lives, while supporting a local small business.”
Congressman Balderson announces a public-private partnership to provide lifesaving equipment
The kits will be placed in first responder vehicles such as police cruisers, fire and EMS vehicles, as well as special event units working large crowd public events. The kits are being purchased through a State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) Grant which was awarded regionally to the 15 regional counties in Central Ohio. The adoption of the drop kits is the first of its kind in the country.
The citizenAID Public Safety Drop Kit provides easy access to Public Treatment Kits (PTKs) which include tourniquets, pressure dressings and gauze to help control bleeding along with emergency blankets, and nitrile gloves. Most importantly, concise, step-by-step instructions and a citizenAID Pocket Guide are also part of each kit. The company has packaged six (PTKs) in a small, transportable bag, making it easy for first responders to “drop” them so civilians can help treat the wounded.
“With these citizenAID Public Safety Drop Kits, we now have the ability to enable the uninjured to help save lives before EMS arrives,” said Jeffrey J. Young, Director, Franklin County Emergency Management and Homeland Security. “Bystanders should no longer feel helpless, they should feel compelled to help. They are part of the chain of survival and we are empowering them to be successful in that role.”
Other speakers included Delaware County Sheriff Russell Martin, Delaware County EMA Director Sean Miller, and Ohio EMA Executive Director Sima Merick.
For more information on the drop kits, visit