New RifleBlok™ Product to Enhance Rifle Training

March 27, 2017
Blok Safety Systems is proud to announce the introduction of the new rifle product called RifleBlok™.

Charlotte, NC - Charlotte - based Blok Safety Systems LLC, makers of the popular BarrelBlok™ line of firearms safety and training products, is proud to announce the introduction of the new rifle product called RifleBlok™. RifleBlok™ brings all of the advantages and benefits of BarrelBlok™ to rifles . “As BarrelBlok™ grew in the marketplace, we received a lot of requests from consumers and law enforcement agencies seeking the same training benefits and safety advantages for their rifles. We responded to those requests by developing a universal product for both the rifle and the magazines, ” says Alyssa Mahal, Vice President of Blok Safety.

Currently available in .223 Rem/5.56 NATO , RifleBlok™ is comprised of two components . The first is the RifleBlok™ itself, which is a long cylindrical device that gets inserted in the barrel and chamber through the open ejection port. “W hen RifleBlok™ is inserted into the rifle , it is incapable of chambering a round. With the tip protruding from the muzzle, everyone can see the firearm is safe. This is extremely impo rtant in a training environment, ” says Jason Speller, President of Blok Safety. RifleBlok™ is manufactured with a high - visibility orange color for easy and rapid identification. It is 21 - inches in length and can be trimmed to fit the desired length of the barrel. RifleBlok™ is also designed with an Ou t - of - Battery Indicator that will not allow the bolt to go into battery unless the it is released with the full compression of the recoil spring. In cases where the bolt does not go into battery because of improper charging, using the forward - assist is necessary. “This is another added element of realism that RifleBlok™ brings to the training environment,” says Speller.

The second component called MagBlok™, fits into the top of the magazine . “When training , it is crucial that the mechanical f unctionality of the firearm remains intact, otherwise you inadvertently induce training scars . These can be detrimental in real world situations ,” states Mahal. “ MagBlok™ not only makes the magazine safe, but it prevents the bolt carrier from locking to the rear when an empty magazine is inserted . This allows for the free SAFE - REALISTIC - TRAINING Blok Safety Systems LLC P.O. Box 38464 Charlotte, NC 28278 704 - 935 - 4433 Ÿ www.BlokSafety .com movement of the bolt when actuating the charging handle . It tricks the rifle into thinking the magazine has live rounds in it,” she says . The MagBlok™ device is also bright orange , making it easy to see on top of the magazine , even when it is inserted into the magazine well . It is universal and fits in most AR - style magazines.

By preventing bolt lock, MagBlok™ allows for the duplication of regular rifle functions during training. “Perhaps even more important than regular functions is the ability to realistically train on malfunction clearance drills. With both RifleBlok™ components properly inserted, you can duplicate any malfunction scenario and then clear it with the same number of steps as it would take in a real world situation,” continues Speller. “ Using RifleBlok™ means that safety is not sacrificed for realism while training.”

For this reason, law enforcement agencies across the United States and in Europe are now using BarrelBlok™ , and now RifleBlok™ , for training exercises. “Agencies no longer have to contend with the expense of buying molded plastic replicas for training exercises. Officers can train with their own rifle s , maintain the configuration as it is carried on duty, and realistically train with full confidence that it is safe at all times ,” says Joel Hibbard, former special operations instructor. “This increases the realism of training, especially when conducting scenario - based training,” states Hibbard. RifleBlok™ was recently tested and is now recommended by the National Tactical Officers Association. “Just as BarrelBlok™ changed the way consumers and officers train with their pistols, we are confident that RifleBlok™ will have the same impact for those who train with th eir rifle,” states Speller. RifleBlok™ retails for $16.99 online and through the BarrelBlok™ dealer network. Each unit comes with one (1) RifleBlok™ and three (3) MagBlok™ devices to support the use of up to three magazines.

Blok Safety Systems LLC is the leader in safety and training product s in the firearms industry. It’s goal is to make all aspects of firearms handling during non - live - fire training and sales processes as safe as possible. Blok Safety Systems works with many local, regional and national firearms groups to promote safe training environments through education and product use. With a firm commitment to making firearms training safe and realistic f or consumers and officers alike. Blok Safety Systems LLC spearheaded the national safety initiative called Project TrainSafe to bring awareness to and prevent injuries and deaths caused by negligent discharges. BarrelBlok™ is used all over the world and has been featured in numerous commercial , consumer and law enforcement publications.

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