Springfield Armory

Geneseo, IL 61254


About Springfield Armory

For over 40 years Springfield Armory has been committed to providing customers with trusted and reliable defensive products and a time-honored dedication to customer service excellence.


420 W. Main St.
Geneseo, IL 61254

More Info on Springfield Armory

About Springfield Armory®

Founded in 1974, Springfield Armory Inc. is located in Geneseo, Illinois. Its iconic brand remains unmatched in quality, precision engineering, manufacturing and unparalleled customer service in the firearms industry. The USA facility in Geneseo engineers, manufactures and assembles the legendary M1A™, 1911 and SAINT® AR-15 line of firearms. Since 2001, Springfield Armory has enjoyed a strategic, collaborative partnership with the state-of the-art factory in Croatia working hand in hand in the development and engineering of the multiple award-winning line of XD® polymer pistols that have become staples in the US marketplace. For over 40 years Springfield Armory has been committed to providing customers with trusted and reliable defensive products and a time-honored dedication to customer service excellence. 

Products & Press Releases

Springfield Armory
Saint Edge Pistol Camo Rocks

The New SAINT™ Edge Pistol from Springfield Armory®

Nov. 26, 2018
Springfield Armory’s brand new SAINT Edge Pistol combines the most popular features of the most premium SAINT in the lineup with the compact shootability of a pistol platform.

Springfield Armory® Introduces the RO® Elite 10mm

Nov. 26, 2018
The Springfield Armory RO® Elite series ups the ante in power with the introduction of its newest model in 10mm.

Springfield Armory® Celebrates the Launch of the XD(M) 10mm with an Unprecedented 10,000 Round Torture Test

Oct. 18, 2018
Springfield Armory is pleased to announce a highly anticipated new addition to their polymer pistol lineup, the XD(M) 10mm.

Springfield Armory® Releases XD(M)® OSP™ with Threaded and Standard Barrel Included

Oct. 4, 2018
Springfield Armory® announces the release of the XD(M) Optical Sight Pistol (OSP) with a threaded barrel and an additional non-threaded barrel included.
Springfield Armory
Xd M

Springfield Armory® Auctions an XD-S Mod.2® 9mm to Benefit C.O.P.S. on gunbroker.com

Aug. 6, 2018
Springfield Armory is offering one of their newly-released XD-S Mod.2 9mm pistols for auction on GunBroker.com with all proceeds benefitting the Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.).

Springfield Armory® Introduces the XD-S Mod.2® in 9mm

Aug. 1, 2018
The next generation of the most popular pistol ever produced by Springfield Armory is now available in the most popular caliber with the introduction of the XD-S Mod.2 in 9mm.

Articles & News

Photo Robert Marvulli
The XD-M BB Gun mimics the real gun so well that a person can practice most gun manipulations without training scars.
Specialized Training

Training Without Scars: Using Tap-Rack-Target Method to Clear Stoppages

The Springfield Armory XD-M 4.5” C02 Blowback .177 BB Air Pistol is a licensed replica made for Springfield Armory provided by Air Venturi.
Photo: Robert Marvulli
It may be a little hard to see in the picture, but there is a pin like protrusion through the rear slide cover on this gun. This is a striker status indicator, Designed for visual and tactile inspection. It tells the shooter that the striker is ready to go.

Springfield XD-M Elite 10mm: Ready for Duty

Springfield has released new 10mm variations, but the XD-M Elite 4.5" OSP 10mm is by far the manufacturer's best new release and the best of all the XD series.
Photo: Lindsey Bertomen
We tested the Prodigy with Safariland's ALS (6354RDS holster), their Model 4333 Low Profile Battle Belt, and Model 79 Slimline Open-Top Double Magazine Pouches. This holster set up is a culmination of Safariland's years of experience and end user input.

Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy Review

Although it sports a modern feel and a double stack capacity, the Springfield 1911 DS Prodigy looks and operates like a traditional 1911. Find out what else to expect from this handgun.
There are numerous firearm options for concealed carrying purposes no matter what your preference in a firearm may be.

The Overwhelming Choices of Off-Duty Firearms: A Quick Overview

Jan. 16, 2020
It can be overwhelming choosing an off-duty firearm. Here is a look at some of the latest compact and subcompact options.
Frank Borelli
The Beretta 85F, Ruger LCP and Kahr CW380. Good off-duty guns?
Firearm Accessories

.380ACP Guns For CCW

Perhaps the most popular, or at least most well-known, .380ACP handgun is/was James Bond’s Walther PPK. The Walther PP (Polizeipistole or police pistol) was first produced in 1929 and has been in service, in some way, shape or form, ever since.
Jarrad Markel
Accuracy was exceptional from a factory pistol such as this.
Firearm Accessories

Springfield XD(M) .45 ACP - A Review

July 16, 2013
Reliability was unquestionable and accuracy was as good as you could ask for from pistol of this kind.
About 20 miles from SHOT Show exhibit hall at Boulder City Rifle Club, range-goers zero in on new firearms and accessories, such as sights.

Ready, Aim, FIRE

March 13, 2012
A photo essay of SHOT Show 2012


Vickie Lawrence

Advertising Manager

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All content from Springfield Armory

Springfield Armory
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Springfield Armory® Features SAINT™ AR-15 Series at National Patrol Rifle Conference and Championship

June 5, 2018
Springfield Armory will feature its SAINT lineup of AR-15s as patrol rifle considerations during the annual National Patrol Rifle Conference (NPRC), June 1-2 in Detroit, Michigan.

Springfield Armory® Announces TRP™ 10mm RMR® in 5” and 6”

May 3, 2018
Trijicon® Optic Provides TRP with a Red-Dot for Fast Target Acquisition

Springfield Armory® Announces SAINT™ Pistol in .300 BLK

May 1, 2018
Heavier-hitting round in Springfield Armory’s popular AR pistol platform

The Latest in the SAINT™ Line is Here: The SAINT and SAINT EDGE Short-Barreled Rifles (SBR)

April 30, 2018
Compact, fast-handling, combat grade 5.56 platforms for LE and Civilian use

Springfield Armory® Celebrates the Legendary M1A™ Series with a Behind-the-Scenes Video

March 28, 2018
A look at Springfield Armory’s storied M1A rifle platform

Springfield Armory® Teams Up with Viridian for EDC Giveaway

March 5, 2018
Viridian’s Grip Laser package will be available for 100 winners of the new 911 .380.