Chalker Sling and Load Bearing Attachment

Aug. 21, 2014

The Chalker Sling--2nd Generation is the latest sling design by Command Master Chief Denny the "SNAKE" Chalker (Command Master Chief; US Navy Seal retired).  It can be used with a variety of weapons, such as Sub Machine Guns (SMG), rifles, carbines, shotguns, or shoulder mounted weapon, including 37mm and 40mm gas guns.  The Chalker Sling allows for rapid switching of weapons and reacquisition of your weapon when you come off of a rope/ladder; the snap shackle allows the user to rapidly attach or release (by pulling red strap) a slung weapon.  This Chalker Sling allows the userto move the slung weapon across the body (left or right) without bringing it across the head/face, which may result in losing target acquisition/visibility.  Since there are no straps that cross your shoulders that may lead to contact with facial gear.

The Chalker Sling Load Bearing Attachment (LBA) is the latest sling design by Command Master Chief Denny the "SNAKE" Chalker (Command Master Chief; US Navy Seal retired).  The LBA attaches to you load bearing kit in seconds and allows enough slack for the weapon to be transitioned to the weapon retention position.  A quick release capable of holding over 300 lbs of static weight and is adjustable in length.  The LBA allows you to run one system for 100's of weapon systems simply by adding a standoff to the weapon system you want to use. 

 As in true JTC fashion the Chalker Sling and Chalker Sling Load Bearing Attachment is Made in the USA.

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