Two card stock forms can be found somewhere in this issue. Fill these out and circle the corresponding number of the advertisement you’d like more information on or which product published within these pages spiked interest.Each January we take a look at the previous year (December to October/November issues) and tally-up your “votes.” You’ll find 2016’s the Top 20 most requested products here.
Historically items that you store on your duty belt tend to take trend. While 2016 has been weird, we can count on interest in duty gear as a mainstay—a belt found itself popular. In the end, firearms, firearms accessories and duty gear count for over half of this year’s items alone.
Aside from firearms and the like, you’ll find two knives and a one of those clever tools that manage to fit multiple screwdrivers, openers, and wrenches in various sizes in a single handheld device you can hang on your car keys.
Rounding out the group are a first aid kit from Sirchie, a coat with 30 pockets, boot insoles, a badge collection to hang on your wall or gift to—say—a well-deserved captain. Our four-legged partners also received their worth of notoriety, as Northwest Territorial Mint earned a spot with a quite elegantly designed K9 Tribute coin. I found it most surprising that only a single flashlight made the top products. Not surprising is this one boasts a 4,000 lumen maximum output.
Let’s take a look
I spoke with Law Enforcement Technology Firearms Tactics mainstay Lindsey Bertomen, a retired police officer who teaches criminal justice at Hartnell College in Salinas, Calif. He had some experience with a good number of the items on the list.
“When it comes to carrying a handgun,” he says, “it is very important to have a good leather product.” The year’s most inquired product, Bigfoot Gun Belts’ Untamed Steel Core Leather Belt Series attempts to accomplish just that. They took two layers of English Bridle leather and sandwiched a spring steel core inside. Available in both 14- and 18-ounce belts, the company reports they provide “handgun owners with a strength rarely seen before.”
“This [steel core] prevents the telltale tilt of the beltline for which many other products can’t accommodate,” says Bertomen.
It seems minimizing your presentation is something SCOTTeVEST took to heart as well. After moving on from their original Alpha jacket with 33 pockets and away from a knife pocket that ended up tearing sleeves too often, they put together the Enforcer jacket for the low-profile law enforcement market. I took this jacket on review personally and with all its advantages I’ve been able to find only one single flaw: it’s too warm for the summer and too cold for a frigid winter leaving about a half a year for a comfort zone.
I understand reader’s interest in the jacket. The pockets are organized to near perfection and balances a bunch of weight with ease. The company even has an ongoing challenge for travelling customers. Bring your jacket through airport security—save your luggage and shoes they say it’ll be one of the easiest experiences you’ll have.
“[With bullets,] the new trend has been to go lighter, faster,” suggests Bertomen. G2 Research is attempting to accomplish this by providing a lead-free solid copper bullet. The MSRP suggests $41.99 for a box of 20. The company owns-up to this cost, “this is no low-cost plinking round.” A quick search found a box of 9mm for just under $33—its no wonder they were out of stock at the time of this writing.
Offering a couple of observations, Bertomen says that the “cartridge is extremely lightweight, and designed to expand very quickly in the target. Rather than using a simple hollowpoint, it has pre-scored areas so that sections of the bullet peel back like petals.”
Any fan of Glock—and I’m betting a good amount of LEPN readers are—who has walked the miles of SHOT Show in the past few years might have taken a glance at CAA’s RONI. If you’re unfamiliar, it basically takes your handgun and puts it into a long-gun presentation without disassembly. All you do is—to share a term from the computer world—plug and play. (Note: I don’t agree with “play” here. We all know this is no toy.)
The kit increases stability, magazine storage and accessories, says Bertomen. “Of all the law enforcement assignments that could put this tool to use, this is ideal for a school resource officer,” he adds.
On Ruger’s Redhawk, Bertomen had this to say: “I have never seen a Redhawk fail, ever.”
“The Redhawk has been one of the flagship revolvers in the Ruger line for 35 years, and this is the first time we have produced a Redhawk capable of shooting both a revolver caliber and pistol caliber from the same cylinder,” says Chris Killoy, Ruger President and COO. “Customers will not only find this revolver to be attractive, but also very utilitarian for a number of shooting applications.”
Bertomen says that the DeSantis Intimidator 2.0 scabbard holster can handle both concealed carry assignments as well as range training where you “might draw and re-holster 100 times in a session.” We aren’t able to print the full list here, but DeSantis is well-known for adding new fits to current holster models. According to their website, the Intimidator 2.0 currently fits 59 different models from Browning, Colt, Glock, Kimber, Para Ordnance, Ruger, Sig Sauer, Smith & Wesson, and Springfield Armory.
Past Top 20s
2016 (published in LEPN January 2016)
- Graphite Knife, from Columbia River Knife & Tool (CRKT), 12002714,
- Carnivore Blade, from BOKER USA Inc., 12013635
- Model 1301 Tactical Semiautomatic Shotgun, from Beretta USA Corp., 12027886
- Shizuka noh Ken Knife, from Columbia River Knife & Tool (CRKT), 12027978
- Urban Survival LE, from BOKER USA Inc., 12048173
- P36 Flashlight, Nitecore, from SYSMAX Industry Co. LTD, 12024573
- Backup, from Bond Arms Inc., 11565349
- Gun Detailing Assortment, from RamRodz Inc., 12024132
- Sons Shield Trauma Kit, from The Safariland Group, 12053820
- G43 Pistol, from GLOCK Inc., 12056535
- LEMK-OR (Officer Response) Medical Kit, from Chinook Medical Gear Inc., 12019912
- Stealth Operator Compact Holster, from Phalanx Defense Systems LLC, 12029229
- Tavor Tactical Combat Folding Knife, from Israeli Weapon Industries (IWI) US Inc., 12053156
- Green Lead - Zuerillium Alloy Rounds, from Advanced Ballistics Concepts LLC, 12035181
- M&P Bodyguard Handguns with Crimson Trace Laser Sights, from Smith & Wesson, 12023343
- 9mm Hydra Rifle, designed to use GLOCK Magazines, from MG Industries Inc. (MGI), 12035375
- CenterFire WeaponLight for Glock 43, from LaserMax Inc., 12060848
- UDR Dominator LED Flashlight, from SureFire LLC, 12025849
- 616 Buck Ops Boot Knife, from Buck Knives, 12040111
- AutoKey - The Folding Handcuff Key, from ASP Inc., 12060824
2015 (published in LEPN January 2015)
- Civil Defense Ammunition Line, from Liberty Ammunition Inc., 11282625,
- G42 Pistol, from GLOCK Inc., 11301051
- Mini Slik Knife, from BOKER USA Inc., 11189331
- Spec Plus Knife, from Ontario Knife Co., 10673526
- UZI PRO Pistol, from Israeli Weapon Industries US Inc., 11269647
- Ultra-Compact Desert Eagle 1911U, from Magnum Research, 11269607
- P3X Fury Tactical Flashlight, from SureFire LLC, 11282511
- The Holy Grail Smartphone/Tablet Screen Protector, from Sir Lancelot's Armor, 11514939
- Medical Operator Kit, from Chinook Medical Gear Inc., 10848289
- The Maxstop IRP 12 Gauge Defense Round, from Maxstop IRP, 11476916
- RamRodz All-Purpose Cleaning System, from RamRodz Inc., 11323116
- LockWrite Pen, from ASP, 11320090
- Current and Retried Law Enforcement Gold-Plated H.R. 218 Badge, from Maxsell Corp., 11404805
- Black Ops Collection - WX Gravity, from Wiley X Inc., 10716494
- Mustang XSP Pocket Pistol, from Colt Mfg. Co. LLC, 11305282
- TAC SX2 / TAC-PX2 Tactical 12-Gauge Shotguns, from American Tactical Imports, 11282582
- MOD 5 HDS Restraint Tether, from ATTACK! OpGear, 11299641
- Mass Casualty Critical Intervention Kit, from Chinook Medical Gear Inc., 11290224
- DeltaPoint 2 Red Dot Sight, from Leupold & Stevens Inc., 11392190
- Hornet Belt Holster, from Galco Gunleather, 11326225
2014 (published in LEPN January 2014)
- 30S Concealed Carry Hybrid Pistol, from GLOCK Inc., 10875554,
- Electronic Earplugs with Blast Protection (EB15-LE), from Etymotic Research Inc., 10958867
- LE6940P, from Colt Mfg. Co. LLC, 10689408
- CL-43, CL-42 Flashlight, from Kel-Tec CNC Industries Inc., 10838716
- Gen4 Pistols (G21, G32, G34), from GLOCK Inc., 10653309
- Trigger Trainer, from Full-Scale Tactics, 10839982
- Bianchi Allusion Series - Concealment Holsters, from Bianchi, a part of The Safariland Group, 10622043
- Master Key Dynamic Entry Tool, from KA-BAR Knives Inc., 10940298
- SolarStream Vehicle Solar Charging Panel, from Streamlight Inc., 10749184
- Elastic Concealment Holster, from Maxsell Corp., 10849649
- HK45 Compact Tactical Pistol, from Heckler & Koch, 10657407
- Wallet Profile Holster (Model 22), from The Safariland Group, 10862147
- LCR-22, from Ruger, 10653330
- Classic P227 .45 Caliber Pistol, from SIG SAUER Inc., 10873876
- 2211 WristLight, with Swiss Timepeice, from SureFire LLC, 10841252
- UrgentPower USB Smartphone Charger, from Mobile Edge, 11150019
- E-Gat Slide OWB Holster (Style #115), from DeSantis Gunhide, 10915273
- PublicEye, from PublicEye (a product of Zco Corp.), 10838655
For informative purposes. Older product/s may or may not be available for purchase or available from a different company. Some products may have been removed since originally published.

Jonathan Kozlowski
Jonathan Kozlowski was with, Law Enforcement Technology, and Law Enforcement Product News from August 2006 to 2020.
As former Managing Editor for Officer Media Group, he brought a dedicated focus to the production of the print publications and management of the online product and company directory. You can connect with Jonathan through LinkedIn.
Jonathan participated as a judge for the 2019 and 2020 FOLIO: Eddie & Ozzie Awards. In 2012, he received an APEX Award of Excellence in the Technology & Science Writing category for his article on unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in police work, aptly titled "No Runway Needed".