Manufacturers of Strike-Hold weapons cleaner/lubricant/protectant. Used extensively by the US Military, law enforcement, S.W.A.T. teams, DEA, FBI, Dept. of Homeland Security, industrial companies, marinas, boaters, fishermen, hunters, gun distributors, etc. Strike-Hold is a very effective weapons cleaner/lubricant/protectant all in one, eliminating the need to use multiple products to get the job done. Strike-Hold is not only for weapons, but can also be used on anything subject to rust and corrosion, even electrical equipment, such as communications equipment, hand-held radios, wiring, lighting, switches, etc. And unlike other cleaner-lubes, Strike-Hold will not hurt rubber, paint, gaskets, bluing or Parkerization on weapons, composite materials (Glocks), monofilament fishing line, gun sights, wood stocks or most plastics. Check out our Web site or call (toll-free) 1-866-331-0572 for more info.