Beretta USA Corp.

Accokeek, MD 20607


About Beretta USA Corp.


17601 Beretta Dr.
Accokeek, MD 20607
United States of America
800-BERETTA, 800-929-2901

More Info on Beretta USA Corp.

Products & Press Releases


Beretta USA delivers Sako TRG M10 Rifles to NYPD Emergency Service Unit

Feb. 23, 2023
Beretta USA announced the delivery to NYPD of several Sako TRG M10 multi-caliber sniper systems to support the mission of its Emergency Service Unit (ESU).
Bdt American Defender Program

Beretta Announces New American Defender Program

Aug. 18, 2022
In appreciation of our First Responders and Military Personnel, Beretta USA is has announce that it has launched its American Defender Program that now offers special pricing to assist qualified individuals in the purchase of their individual firearms.
Beretta APX A1

Langdon Tactical Technology Introduces The Beretta 92 Elite LTT

April 23, 2018
Langdon Tactical Technology, Inc. is excited to announce the new Beretta 92 Elite LTT built by Beretta USA in partnership with Ernest Langdon.
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The APX Striker Fired Pistol

April 15, 2017
With the APX, Beretta delivers to the civilian market a pistol platform with superior performance in durability, reliability, accuracy and ergonomics.

Articles & News

Frank Borelli
Springfield Armory 1911 .45ACP 8+1 top, Beretta 96FCM .40S&W 10+1 bottom. Does capacity matter as much as action? Single action only vs. double action/single action.

Defining the ‘Full Size’ Duty Handgun

What characteristics should a duty sidearm have? Retired Lt. Frank Borelli takes a look at the different factors that can make a firearm ideal as a "full-size duty handgun."
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The Perfect Off-Duty/Self-Defense Gun?

Editorial Director and long-time firearms instructor Frank Borelli discusses how to select your perfect off-duty or self-defense handgun.
The 1301 Tactical Shotgun was designed with law enforcement in mind.

The Benefits of a Tactical Shotgun

Jan. 16, 2020
The semi-auto advantage
Sig Sauer
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Contemporary L.E. Handgun Selection

When it’s time to review your agency’s handgun, look beyond caliber, capacity and barrel length.
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Knives & Tools

LEPN's Top 20 Products of 2015

Jan. 18, 2016
The Highest Reader Requested Products
Frank Borelli
The Beretta 85F, Ruger LCP and Kahr CW380. Good off-duty guns?
Firearm Accessories

.380ACP Guns For CCW

Perhaps the most popular, or at least most well-known, .380ACP handgun is/was James Bond’s Walther PPK. The Walther PP (Polizeipistole or police pistol) was first produced in 1929 and has been in service, in some way, shape or form, ever since.

Videos & Resources


Beretta Quick Chat

Sept. 27, 2022
Officer Media Group Editorial Director Frank Borelli Speaks with Gabriele de Plano, Vice President of BDT Marketing and Operations—Beretta USA Corp.

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All content from Beretta USA Corp.

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Beretta ARX Carbine with T Worx Intelligent Rail™ on display and ready for upcoming Army AUSA Expo

Oct. 31, 2014
Following a successful global launch of the Intelligent Rail™ equipped Beretta ARX Carbine this summer at the 2014 Eurosatory Defense Expo and at the recent 2014 Modern Day Marine Expo, Beretta Defense Technologies (BDT) and T.Worx Ventures have been busy