The Home Defense Pepper Spray Launcher is the perfect safety device for home protection. The device includes rounds filled with a powdered pepper irritant that break on contact, immediately causing temporary blindness, difficulty breathing and impact distress – allowing your family to escape to safety. According to a recent A&U study, 86 percent of consumers want their personal safety device to provide protection at a distance. A launcher round is target accurate and effective up to 66 feet (20 meters) with the ability to hit a target up to 175 feet (53 meters away) away. Each magazine deploys 7 rounds, allowing the user to defend him or herself and loved ones from multiple threatening intruders.
The Tactical Launchers for Law Enforcement has the same long-range capabilities as the civilian version, but also features much larger capacity (19 to 200 rounds) to assist with crowd and riot control for both individuals and crowd management applications.