Telewave, Inc.

San Jose, CA 95133


About Telewave, Inc.


660 Giguere Ct.
San Jose, CA 95133
United States

More Info on Telewave, Inc.

Telewaveinc 10030435

Telewave, Inc. designs and manufactures RF infrastructure equipment for wireless communication systems. Our customers include local, county, and federal government agencies, industry, and the military. Telewave has been in business since 1972, and all operations including manufacturing are based in San Jose, CA. Telewave is an ISO:9000-2008 certified company, and offers GSA pricing to qualified agencies. GSA Contract # GS-35F-0248J. Telewave has fulfilled large contracts for agencies including: California Highway Patrol California Division of Forestry Nevada Highway Patrol Oregon State Patrol Washington State Patrol. Telewave builds equipment for all parts of the RF chain, including antenna systems, duplexers, transmitter combiners, preselectors, tower-top preamplifiers, power monitors,

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