Tactical Communications Unit (TCU-02)

Aug. 15, 2011

The Tactical Communication Unit was developed with the input from several police departments in the Phoenix area. The TCU-02 was designed to assist law enforcement officers in gaining control of tactical situations. The system provides officers with a way to communicate with the suspect and victims while maintaining as high a degree of personal safety as possible in these situations. Several departments in throughout the country currently use the TCU-02.

Deploying the remote speaker/microphone in the area with the subject with whom communications are necessary allows the negotiator to both talk and listen to the subject. The operator wears a dual-muff headset/microphone to allow hearing all sounds generated in the area of the remote unit. To speak, the operator simply depresses a push-to -talk switch. The use of a push-to-talk switch assures that confidential conversation at the negotiator’s end of the situation is not broadcast to the perpetrator or victims. The remote speaker/microphone can provide sound loud enough to be heard through closed doors and windows and is also sensitive enough to pick up sounds through the same. The unit also has a tone generator with six different attention getting tones that can be transmitted to the remote speaker.

The TCU-02 provides the following features:

  • High power (10 watts) amplifier
  • Setup time typically less than five minutes
  • 120 AC or 12 Volt DC operation
  • Professional grade audio connectors throughout
  • High level, sensitive remote speaker/microphone can provide 106 dB. @ 3 ft.
  • Waterproof, heavy gauge, prison-grade remote speaker/microphone
  • Rugged road case for electronics, headset, and speaker/microphone
  • Remote speaker has a handle for ease of carrying or for use with a robot.
  • 500-feet of cable on heavy duty steel winder/reel
  • 1 year limited warranty on all parts
  • Portable unit weighs approximately 35 pounds (less cable).
  • Commercial grade audio components used throughout
  • Control unit measures 12" wide 8" tall and 24" deep
  • Simple, one-person operation
  • Operation for a minimum of 8 hours from car battery using the cigarette lighter power connection
  • The remote speaker can be thrown through a standard window with no damage to the speaker
  • Protection for operator from extreme volume levels at headset
  • Components cannot be connected incorrectly.
  • Tape level output for recording both sides of the conversations.
  • Optional equipment to further enhance usage is available
  • Outputs for two monitor headsets or optional command speaker that may be used by other negotiators to listen only
  • Additional cable and spools may be added for up to 1,500 feet of cable without affecting system operation.
  • Can be used to provide minor diversionary tactics with siren noises and voice.
  • Separate operator controls for Talk and Listen volumes and Siren

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